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The Trillion Dollar Social Enterprise Sector

Many social enterprises in the US come from the nonprofit sector, and a common way to measure nonprofit social enterprise is through earned income. Generally earned income refers to selling goods or services in exchange for a quid pro quo payment. In other words, you only get paid if you deliver the goods. Based on …

The Doctor Recommends Crisis Prevention – But It’s Your Choice

[Written with a healthcare industry slant, but obviously applicable to most organizations] There’s a death or serious injury due to questionable circumstances. An employee is accused of impropriety. Your company is acquired by or is acquiring another. A natural disaster occurs. There’s an investigation of your facility by a regulatory or law enforcement agency. By …

Free Management Library and iBrand Masters Tweets 2010-04-25

Coaching Blog: What are You Tolerating? http://bit.ly/aPXSWk # Training Blog: Tools for your Training/HPT toolbox http://bit.ly/aFWR3o # Business Planning Blog: What Makes a Business Plan a Business Plan? http://bit.ly/9RQcPh # Customer Service: Mapping your Customer Experience Strategy http://bit.ly/9SXUoh # Boards Blog: Is a “Working Board” an Immature Board? http://bit.ly/8YOdMf # Consulting Blog: What’s a “Mature” …

Sharing your Authentic Self

You may feel compelled to shy away from who you are as a spiritual being when you are at work. Of course for some of you that might be the equivalent of deciding not to breath. You may not divide yourself into “spiritual” at home and “not spiritual at work”. Others of you may be …

What are You Tolerating?

Years ago, I met Thomas J Leonard, the Founder of Coach University. He introduced the concept of “Tolerations” – those things that annoy you, drain your energy, and hold you back yet can be eliminated from your life. Tolerations show up in most areas – work, home, school, relationships, equipment, cars and your habits. Here …

Tools for your Training/HPT toolbox

Sorry this is a day late, life happens – Well I promised to give some useful tools to put in your training toolbox – I had a comment on a past post and the writer suggested that “companies are choosing to use additional methods such as corporate videos for training and development opportunities (benefits enrollments …

What Makes a Business Plan a Business Plan?

Recently someone asked for a simple definition. As it turns out, business plans mean different things to different people. I tend to think of them as presenting the vision or goals for a business, along with a road map for achieving those goals. It can be sketched on a napkin, written on a few pages, …

Mapping your Customer Experience Strategy

Who Owns the Customer Experience in your Organization? Answer: Everyone Should. Who drives the Customer Experience strategy? Answer: The Leader who is responsible for providing customer service. The executive team should be 100% supportive and enabling of the necessary collaboration to establish an effective Customer Experience strategy that is the best in Delivering Service Value. …