Ten Things to Ask Yourself

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The Wall Street Journal Online recently published an article entitled “Ten Things Human Resources Won’t Tell You.” The ten things mentioned seemed to run the gamut of topics from the dangers of being fired by postings on social media to stating that HR is not the employee advocate. Ninety percent of the comments (up to 26 total by the time of this post) made in response to the article are slams against HR in support of the negative messages set forth in the article. It appears from the number of negative comments, that HR departments haven’t made much progress in building credibility since the 2005 article, “Why We Hate Hr.”

Of the ten things mentioned, “In some companies, we’re not very useful at all,” may be one of those emotion-provoking comments that infuriate some HR folks. However, instead of letting your emotions take over your open-mindedness, ask yourself these ten questions:

  1. How valuable am I to the organization?
  2. How have I communicated that value to the organization’s leaders?
  3. How have I communicated that value to the organization’s employees?
  4. What measures am I using to determine success?
  5. How are the HR programs aligned with the goals of the organization?
  6. Do I advocate for employees fairly and consistently?
  7. Do I know how to balance the competing interests in the organization to provide a fair viewpoint?
  8. Do I clearly communicate the reason behind my position to employees, managers, and company leaders?
  9. Am I an example to those within and around the organization of its key values?
  10. What can I do today to serve my customers?

As always, your comments and questions are encouraged!


For more resources, See the Human Resources library.

Sheri Mazurek is a training and human resource professional with over 16 years of management experience, and is skilled in all areas of employee management and human resource functions, with a specialty in learning and development. She is currently employed as the Human Resource Manager at EmployeeScreenIQ, a global leader in pre-employment background screening.

Should You Try Get “Big Names” and “Big Pockets” on Boards?

Two people shaking hands on an agreement in an office

What About “Big Names”?

Many Board members believe that adding a very prominent person to the Board will bring great prestige and credibility to the Board. They believe that funders and other organizations will take those Boards much more seriously. Often, that’s a big mistake.

Rarely do those famous people ever show up to the Board meetings. I know of several cases where the “big names” didn’t even know they were on the Boards – the organizations had simply put their names on the lists of Board members!

Nonprofits often believe that big names will impress funders to contribute to the organizations. Funders are much smarter than that. Nonprofits can severely damage their credibility when they can’t prove that the big names were really on the Boards in the first place.

What About “Big Pockets”?

Nonprofits also often believe that “big pockets” (rich people) are more likely to donate to the organization if those people are also on the Board. Usually, the last thing they want is to be burdened with is the responsibility of attending Board meetings. Many times, they’d rather write a check to the nonprofit instead!

You’re far better off to find Board members who actively participate in Board meetings and committees, and who will help find “big pockets.”


Would you ever hire an employee because he was very popular (a big name) and then expect him/her to never show up for work? Would you ever donate to a nonprofit if that nonprofit also asked you (a big pocket) to come to regular Board meetings?

A dear friend of mine is a highly respected CEO. She said that one of her greatest moments of learning was when she quit acting like she was lucky to even have Board members attend a meeting. Instead, she realized that her organization deserved to have active Board members.

Don’t seek to find prominent or rich people to put on your Board. Instead, find people with passion for the mission and also the time and energy to be active on your Board. They will ultimately bring credibility and funding to your Board through their good work on the Board.

What do you think?

Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD – Authenticity Consulting, LLC – 800-971-2250
Read my weekly blogs: Boards, Consulting and OD, Nonprofits and Strategic Planning.

Foundations of Consulting — Part 3: Primary Working Goals and Assumptions of Consultants

A consultant in their office

Peter Block, in his book, Flawless Consulting, suggests that certain goals and assumptions always be primary for consultants, that is, for individuals working to help people, but not having authority over those people. He suggests the following goals and assumptions.

Primary Working Goals of Consultants

1. Establish a collaborative relationship with your clients

As a consultant, you should work with your clients almost as if you are peers working in a team. This is in contrast to the consultant who always works as an “expert” to direct the client what to do and when. Working in a collaborative fashion with your clients helps ensure that recommendations are accurate, that clients follow the recommendations and that they adopt the changes needed to improve themselves and their organizations.

2. Solve problems so your clients can solve them later themselves

The approach to problem solving in the project should always involve your client’s learning about what is being done and why, so that later on your client might use similar approaches to solve similar problems after you are gone from the project. So it’s important to regularly identify learning during the project, and discussing that learning with your client.

3. Ensure attention to developing the project and relationships

The quality of the relationship between you and your client is a reliable predictor of the quality of the outcome of the overall project. Your clients often judge a project, not so much by the outcomes from the project, but by the quality of the working relationship with you.

Primary Working Assumptions

1. Problem solving requires information that is as accurate as possible.

Information is more accurate if it reflects the full range of perspectives and opinions among clients in a project, so involve them as much as possible.

2. Effective decision-making requires free and open choice among participants.

Free and open choice is more likely to produce the full range of opinions necessary for good planning. It also is more likely to ensure that your clients adopt the changes necessary to bring about change.

3. Effective implementation requires the internal commitment of your clients.

If you give participants little choice about what to do, they will likely do what you direct, but only for as long as you are around – and they will not be vested in the outcomes. They may also blame you if it does not work. In contrast, if you involve them as much as possible in project planning and implementation, they are much more likely to implement the plans completely and learn at the same time.

What do you think?

Look for the articles in this series, including:

  1. What Do Consultants Do?
  2. How Do Consultants Work?
  3. Most Important Goals and Working Assumptions of Consultants
  4. Major Types of Consultants
  5. Internal and External Consultants
  6. Good Reasons – and Poor Reasons – to Hire Consultants


For more resources, see the Library topics Consulting and Organizational Development.

Information in this post was adapted from the book Field Guide to Consulting and Organizational Development by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD. For training on consulting skills, see the Consultants Development Institute. For more resources, see the Free Management Library’s topic All About Consulting .

Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD – Authenticity Consulting, LLC – 763-971-8890 Read my blogs: Boards, Consulting and OD, and Strategic Planning .

Toyota Ethics: Questions to get to Answers

Work colleagues trying to resolve a dilemma

As opposed to offering opinions without having all of the background and knowledge, I thought it might be more helpful to start a discussion about the questions:

Many people have written that Toyota’s problem was that it sacrificed a core value of safety for profit. To frame the issue this generally is to miss the point of the real challenge Toyota was facing: not trading one value for the other, but how to effectively balance the two.

No company can sustain profits if it builds unsafe cars. So Toyota cannot jettison safety for profit. Similarly, there is always inherent risk in any product. Even the public assumes some degree of risk. Toyota, as well as any car manufacturer is not expected to make their product 100% safe. So how do they decide what is “safe enough”?

Now we can look at an ethics issue. The ethical dilemma is in how Toyota grappled with that decision. Who had information but didn’t report it up to senior leadership? Why not? Which stakeholders, internal and external, were not included in the decision-making process?

The public on both sides of the Pacific does not begrudge Toyota making a profit. But building complicated machinery that is sold to millions of people demands inclusion of many voices in multiple decision processes. If there is a lesson to be learned, it’s the role that transparency can play in making the tough decision.

10 Tips for Hiring a Coach

Tips for hiring a coach

1. Be clear on your objective:

Most coaches have an area of expertise such as: career, entrepreneurs, life, executives, financial, or branding. Match your goal with the coach’s expertise. Ask the coach about their limitations –do they coach clients with your needs?

2. What are the coach’s qualifications?

Is the coach certified and by what training organization?

3. Background and Experience:

Find out what life/work experience the coach has had. Have they been in situations similar to yours? How many clients have they coached, in what industries and with what results?

4. Cost/Contract:

The fees for coaching vary widely. Be sure to ask about the terms – do you prepay? Is the fee schedule set up by the session, month or program? What is the length of each session? How often will you meet? What if you prepay and decide to discontinue? If the coach uses assessments will there be extra charges? What about travel costs if the coach does not live near you?

5. Test Drive:

Most coaches will offer an initial complimentary session. It is wise to interview at least 3 coaches to help with your selection. Be sure to assess whether their personality aligns with yours.

6. Interview the Coach’s Clients:

Even though coaching is confidential, most coaches have clients that will talk to prospects and share their experience. What were their successes? What did they like and what could have been better? What advice do they have for you?

7. Success Rates:

Find out your expected return on investment. How does the coach measure success? What are some of the coach’s success stories?

8. Finding a Coach:

Word of mouth, online referral services, coaching schools, local chapters of coaching associations and HR departments are ways to find reputable coaches.

9. Face to Face or Virtual:

Decide weather you prefer to coach in person or virtually. Many coaches will do both and offer a combination. Virtual coaching usually consists of phone, email or technology such as Skype.

10. What does the coach do to stay on top of their profession?

How do they stay apprised of industry changes, specialty skills and professional development? How do they apply this to their coaching?

What other tips can you add?

For more resources, see the Library topic Personal and Professional Coaching.

Do organizations value continuous learning?


Is the learning process is valued in our organization? What constitutes a learning environment?

How do we know whether or not our efforts to learn are valued in our company? Some corporations such as Steel Case in Grand Rapids, Michigan make the value on learning obvious, they have a large learning department at their headquarters in GR and training is ongoing. Others might want people cross trained, they do this so that knowledge is spread throughout the organization (sometimes without even realizing it), other organizations just expect their workers to obtain knowledge on their own. Sometimes as in Nursing or teaching, you are expected to take continuing education coursework throughout your career. With these tactics we realize that learning for all is a continuous process and that we are valued as adult learners. If you continue your education and learning you might be able to move up in the organization, secure a better position or even move onto bigger and better career experiences.

Learning environments are found in every corner of the globe and can be found in classroom settings, workplaces, or even on corporate retreats, anyplace that an employee finds comfortable and can take in knowledge constitutes a learning environment. We as trainers are able to make learning either a great experience or a not so great experience. We take into consideration a number of environmental factors, lighting, noise levels, seating arrangements, whiteboard capabilities, podiums, audio-visual availability and so on. Even if we are training on a factory floor we take into consideration the learning environment, and the people surrounding us in the process. CEO’s may want to pay attention to this also and look at how the adult learner can learn the best and in what is not a good environment. (Noisy, poorly lit, poorly ventilated buildings etc).

With the proper learning environment and organizational value on education employees are motivated to learn and stretch out of their comfort zone, they might be motivated to continue learning and go to college, or explore new situations in an organization. Learning ought to be valued and if it is valued we will always be a step ahead or at least in the right direction. Learning only has advantages.

As always happy training and comments, guest writers etc are welcome.


For more resources about training, see the Training library.

– Looking for an expert in training and development or human performance technology?
– Contact me: Leigh Dudley – Linkedin – 248-349-2881
– Read my blog: Training and Development

Finding the Beauty of Your Work

Finding the Beauty of Your Work: handshake between two businesspeople

The center of the flower provides an offering of nectar for the bees to use. This nectar gives life to other plants. Similarly, we make contributions to the well being of others and the world at large through our service. When we work spiritually we provide our gifts as an offering so that we make the world a better place by our being in it.

Just like the petals of a flower show the beauty of the plant, our beauty naturally bursts forth when we offer ourselves in service to others. As the poet Rumi says, “Let the beauty of who you are be what you do.” Working spiritually is about fulfilling your life purpose or larger mission with passion, using your gifts in service to others. When you do that others will benefit from your beauty and gifts.

Our beauty may even serve as inspiration to others whether we know it or not. We work spiritually when we make our unique contributions, in our own corner of the world, that enlivens and enriches others. When we make the world more beautiful by what we do, we find greater wholeness and meaning for ourselves and greater connection with others.

How do you find beauty in what you do? Can you find beauty in those who work with you? How is your work a spiritual offering?


For more resources, see our Library topic Spirituality in the Workplace.


It’s an Inside Job – Internal Crisis Communications

Two business people resolving an internal crisis communication

Crisis: an unstable or crucial time or state of affairs whose outcome will make a decisive difference for better or worse (Webster’s New Collegiate).

How many public relations spokespersons does your company have?

The correct answer is, “as many employees as we have.” Sure, any organization can and should have a policy whereby only certain individuals are “officially” authorized to speak for the record. If a reporter calls and you have a designated spokesperson policy, the call will be probably be routed correctly — but that doesn’t prevent your secretary, an intern or a junior executive from giving their version of the facts to family members, friends, PTA members, golfing buddies and anyone else they know.

Internal audiences are as, if not more, important than external audiences during a crisis, and yet those who aren’t actually on the crisis response team often receive the least consideration when the stuff hits the fan. It is vital, during the crisis communications planning process, to formulate key messages not only for employees, but also for others who are close enough to the organization to be considered “internal” — e.g., regular consultants and major vendors. They’re the ones who are going to be asked first, by external audiences (including reporters, when they try to go around you), “what’s going on?”

Here are some tips for preparing internal audiences to be an asset to crisis response:

Develop one to three key messages about the situation which are simple enough for everyone to understand, remember and use in their day-to-day affairs. In an extremely sensitive situation, messages might be nothing more than reassuring statements and “nice no comments” — e.g., “our day-to-day business is completely unaffected by this,” “we know this is going to come out well for us when all the facts are known,” or “we’re a damn good company and I’m proud to work here.”

Brief all employees in person about what’s happening and keep them informed on a regular basis. In-person briefings say “we care about you” in a manner which no memo or internal newsletter can accomplish, although sometimes written communications are the only option. And you don’t want internal audiences to read facts, or alleged facts, in your local newspaper first!

Identify your best “unofficial spokespersons” and your “loose cannons.” The former are employees who you know are loyal, know when to speak and when to keep their mouths shut, and who are admired by their peers; if they feel that they’re receiving accurate information and are being cared for, they’ll pass that feeling on to others along with the key messages you’ve shared. Loose cannons are those who just don’t know when to shut up, whose feelings — sometimes disloyal/disgruntled, sometimes zealously loyal — lead them to communicate not only facts, but rumors and innuendo. During crises, loose cannons need to receive gentle, but firm extra counseling about appropriate communication and/or be particularly well isolated from sensitive information.

Create a rumor-control system. Provide means by which internal audiences can ask questions and get rapid responses. You can designate certain trusted individuals (white and blue-collar) as “rumor control reps” who will field questions and then obtain answers from someone on the official crisis response team. And it’s important to also have an anonymous means of asking questions, such as a locked drop box combined with a bulletin board on which answers to anonymous questions are posted. All employees can be encouraged to use either communication method without fear of reprisal.

Successful implementation of an internal communications program will carry your key message better, longer and farther than most external communications, while a lack of internal communications can completely undermine even the best external strategy. The two can, and must, go hand-in-hand.

For more resources, see the Free Management Library topic: Crisis Management

“To Lead” vs. “To Manage”

A business manager in her office

If I think about “Leader” as a job description I get confused. How can anyone “Lead” all the time? How exhausting! A sure recipe for failure! An invitation to the dread-disease BURNOUT. Don’t you at least need to “manage” your own schedule?

What about “Management” as the complete and total sum of what you do each day? UGH. How can we make the world a better place if you just sit (or walk) around and manage?

When it comes to leadership: I want verbs. I want action. I want improvisation. I want intervention. I want the possibility of real change. Rather than “best-practices” let’s see some brand-new-never-been-tried-in-quite-this-way-might-even-fail practices.

Organizations need leadership AND management.

To lead is to take risks on behalf of purpose and the greater good. To manage is to mitigate risk on behalf of the bottom line. A successful organization does both. A successful executive does both. A valuable employee at any level of the organization does both.

Leadership requires the willingness to try something new, the willingness fail once in a while, and the foresight to minimize the impact of your failures.

Management is the every day work. If you already know how to get the results that you want, that’s management. If you have practices in place (i.e. for helping employees feel connected appreciated, cared for and linked to the larger vision of the organization) that’s management. If you have a system in place, you are managing. If you are 90% sure that when you do THIS, the result will be THAT, you are managing.

Jumping off the leadership cliff.

When you step into uncharted territory on behalf of purpose, you are attempting to lead. When you hold steady under criticism, you may be leading. When you invite ideas that conflict with your own, you may be leading. When you assess risk and design low-risk experiments with the end firmly in mind, you are attempting to lead.

After my last blog post, a reader responded with a comment and an important question that this post has done little to answer. (Sorry, Meredith!) She wrote: “ ‘Countless, individual acts of leadership’ – that’s a scary phrase for many who want someone else to tell us what to do. What are some of the acts of leadership that have been tried, what else might there be to try?”

I’ll offer more specifics in future posts. MEANWHILE, please entertain the possibility that my suggestions may never be as valuable as your own answer to these these two questions:

  1. What do I care about so much that I am willing to intervene?
  2. What is a low-risk experiment that might help the group make progress on what I care about?

Creeping, Slow-Burn & Sudden Crises

Employee battling an office crisis

Crises can be divided into three categories:

1. Creeping Crises – foreshadowed by a series of events that decision makers don’t view as part of a pattern.

2. Slow-Burn Crises – some advance warning, before the situation has caused any actual damage.

3. Sudden Crises – damage has already occurred and will get worse the longer it takes to respond.

It is not uncommon for what seems to be a sudden crisis to have actually, first, been a creeping crisis that was not detected. Appropriate measures, early in the process, can often prevent or, at least, minimize the damage from slow-burn and sudden crises.

Below are some examples from the healthcare industry. From this, readers in other industries should be able to develop comparable lists.

1. Creeping Crises

  • Lack of a rumor-control system, resulting in damaging rumors.
  • Inadequate preparation for partial or complete business interruption.
  • Inadequate steps to protect life and property in the event of emergencies.
  • Inadequate two-way communication with all audiences, internal and external.

2. Slow-Burn Crises

  • Internet activism
  • Most lawsuits.
  • Most discrimination complaints.
  • Company reputation
  • Lack of regulatory compliance – safety, immigration, environment, hiring, permits, etc.
  • Major operational decisions that may distress any important audience, internal or external.
  • Local/state/national governmental actions that negatively impact operations.
  • Official/governmental investigations involving your healthcare organization and/or any of its employees.
  • Labor unrest.
  • Sudden management changes – voluntary or involuntary.
  • Marketing misrepresentation.

3. Sudden Crises

  • Patient death – Your healthcare organization perceived to be liable in some way.
  • Patient condition worsened – Your healthcare organization perceived to be liable in some way.
  • Serious on-site accident.
  • Insane/dangerous behavior by anyone at a location controlled by your healthcare organization.
  • Criminal activity at a company site and/or committed by company employees.
  • Lawsuits with no advance notice or clue whatsoever.
  • Natural disasters.
  • Loss of workplace/business interruption (for any reason).
  • Fires.
  • Perceptions of significant impropriety that damage reputation and/or result in legal liability, e.g., publicized involvement of company employee in a group or activity perceived to be a threat to the U.S. government or society; inappropriate comments by a “loose cannon;” business activities not officially authorized by management.

Typically, reviewing a list like this triggers thoughts of other situations that need to be addressed during the crisis planning process.

For more resources, see the Free Management Library topic: Crisis Management