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Workplace stress – The silent epidemic

Research has shown that employers are unprepared strategically, unprotected legally, and underinsured with regard to tackling the growing phenomenon of stress in the workplace. Many simply do not understand its impact: they are either hoping it will just go away or paralysed with uncertainty as to how to handle it. One ill advised way of …

Certainly Not Business As Usual

To quote Monty Python: And now, for something completely different… In a sense, they could be talking about social enterprise. For many folks, this represents a whole new way of looking at the world, requiring new skills and new perspectives. Experienced nonprofit people are facing the marketplace of competition and risk taking in ways they …

Why Training and Team Building Don’t Fix Broken Boards

Too often, when Board members struggle with attendance, participation or decision making, they simplistically resort to a Board training session or undertake team building to address their problems. Those techniques seldom work to address those problems. Why Board Training Alone Seldom Restores Boards It is not uncommon that Board members want a “quick fix” to …

When Consultants Should Facilitate, Coach or Train

There are strong feelings that consulting, facilitating, coaching and training are very different roles. I believe that a good consultant should be able to use any of the roles for different purposes. Here are some guidelines for what roles to use and when. When You Might Resort to Facilitating Collaborative organizational consulting is about working, …

Management and Leadership (Differences?)

The word management means many different things to people. For example, it is sometimes conceptualized as a discipline, as is medicine or engineering. It is also commonly viewed as a set of specific, or not so specific, behaviors. And for many, management is the same thing as the role of manager, which is seen as a certain job level or classification.

Financial Projections & Other Business Planning Fantasies

Every business plan has them, and they belong in the fiction section of the library. Like romance novels, you can usually see what’s coming: we’ll lose some money in the first year, approach break even in the second year, and then (gasp) become profitable in year three. And the business lives happily ever after, achieving …

Practice Makes…Better

[The following is an excerpt from my newly published Keeping the Wolves at Bay – Media Training.] I would love to be able to tell you that with regards to media interview skills, ‘practice makes perfect,’ but that would be disingenuous, a fancy way of saying it would be a lie. No amount of practice …

Hot New Twitter Advertising Platform – Promoted Tweets

According to Chris Bruzzo, vice president of brand, content and online at Starbucks, “When people are searching on Starbucks, what we really want to show them is that something is happening at Starbucks right now, and Promoted Tweets will give us a chance to do that.”