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Crisis Prevention: Password-Protecting Your Mobile Device

What type of highly confidential information do you store on your mobile device? Contacts who would hate to see their information shared with spammers or identity thefts? Passwords? Photos or videos you or others wouldn’t appreciate appearing on YouTube? Text messages flirting with someone who isn’t your spouse? It’s an odd quirk of human behavior …

Board Orientation vs. Training vs. Development

When you ask Board members if they’ve been trained, it’s not uncommon that they’ll answer, “Yes”. But many times, they’ll be wrong. Board Orientation Board orientation is about the unique aspects of the organization. It might include introductions and team building among Board members, overviews of the organization’s products and services, celebration of the organization’s …

Reactive Versus Planful Nonprofits

I’ve worked with nonprofit organizations for a very long time. I’ve noticed two distinctly different approaches to leading: reactive versus proactive. You’ll very likely notice each of the two distinctly different types in the following paragraphs. Fundraising The reactive nonprofit is continually fundraising and then spending whatever funds are obtained — so the organization is …

Doing and Being – Planting and Allowing

Spring is a busy time for people- planting, finishing school papers and exams, playing outdoors. As the sun gets longer in the sky we find more energy to do many things. Do you equally find time to reflect on who you are being? The Ying-Yang symbol represents balance between female and male energy, receptivity and …

Challenges of a semi Recent Grad Student

This post is a little different folks, it’s about searching for a position as a training designer, or training specialist. It’s my personal journey in the search for said position. I have been looking for a career position for almost 18 months. I started in January, 2009 one semester prior to graduating with my Masters …

Executive Summary Says It All

The most important section of your business plan is its executive summary. That’s right. It’s the first thing that people read, and it should crystallize everything that’s compelling and essential about your business and how you will succeed with it. And you need to do that all on one page. Gulp. If you’re looking for …

Coaching Tips to Expand Your Comfort Zone

People who are successful stretch themselves. They take risks and are bold. They expand their Comfort Zones and Think Big. They know how to manage their inner critic and self imposed limits to get what they want in life. Here are 4 Coaching Tips to Expand Your Comfort Zone. 1. Don’t settle for mediocrity. Say …

Educating the Jury Pool

Which of the following statements about a jury, civil or criminal, are true? Prospective jury members never lie regarding their advance bias about a case. Jury members are always truly “peers” of the defendant. Jury members never talk about a case outside of jury deliberations, or read and watch TV about a case when sequestered, …

Reasons for the spirituality in the workplace movement

There are many reasons that contribute to this movement around spirit in the workplace. Here are a few reasons I’ve found on why it began. Employees want more from their organizations and organizations demand more from their employees. With all the corporate downsizing and restructuring, employees who are left tend to work longer hours. As …