5 Tips to help teams perform under pressure


So far this year I’ve spent more hours than I care to remember trying to calm the nerves of fraught conference organisers. Often days before the event has even started.

A great team performing under the pressure of live TV
A great team performing under the pressure of live TV

The other day I spent the afternoon on the set of a live TV show. With just two hours to air the production team managed to deal with numerous unforeseen crises calmly and confidently.

Much has been written about stress and its impact on individuals but this afternoon’s experience got me thinking about team stress.

It’s surprising how often we allow anxiety to build from within our teams, limiting productivity, stifling creativity and eradicating the fun from work.

The TV production team demonstrated excellent performance under pressure by following these 5 simple rules: Continue reading “5 Tips to help teams perform under pressure”

CYA- It all depends on Perspective

Man in suit lost in thoughts

How many of you work in a CYA environment? I’m guessing many of you are nodding yes. Well – it all depends on perspective. What if CYA didn’t mean ‘Cover Your Ass’ but rather ‘Choose Your Attitude’. How different would your workplace be if people really got it that they alone are responsible for how their day goes. Everyone gets a chance to choose their attitude from the minute they walk into work, to the staff meetings they sit through, to the way they talk to their co-workers. Here’s a little insider information – You create your world from the inside out. Choosing your attitude is the first step.

What do I mean by creating your world from the inside out? Your attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, judgments shape your words and deeds. When you truly understand you have the power to choose your attitudes (and I’m including here your beliefs, thoughts, judgments), you are the master of your world*. Your inner dialogue shapes how your outer world unfolds. When was the last time someone pushed a hot button of yours? Guess what – you can’t determine what others do, but you can determine how your respond. Choosing your attitude is an empowering approach to your work. You control your mental and emotional state, rather than giving your control away to someone else.

There are only two responses you can give in any moment– acts of love or acts of fear. Cover Your Ass is a fear-based response. Choose Your Attitude helps you remember you can choose a loving response instead.

We always get a chance to choose our attitude, in the small and large ways. Pay attention to how you respond to things this week. Do you respond from a place of love or fear? Affirm that you are able to respond with loving kindness to others, no matter what they do. You’ll move more easefully through your day if you do.

Here’s an affirmation to help you this week:

I know I am whole, balanced and supported by staying true to my Source of Love. I know that everyone is doing the best they can in any moment. Let me enhance this moment with my compassionate understanding and loving kindness. I will stay true to my inner knowing that I am Love regardless of what goes on around me. As such I will choose the most loving thought, word or deed I can offer in the moment.

* My second book,” Staying Grounded in Shifting Sand”, shares more information about Personal Mastery. To see the 1st chapter and a video overview of the book, go to- http://www.NextTopAuthor.com/?aid=2089 If you feel so moved, please vote for me as the Next Top Author before 11:59 pm tomorrow (Mon. June 28).


For more resources, see our Library topic Spirituality in the Workplace.


Internal or External Coach? How to Decide?

Business professionals having a conversation about internal and external coaches

My coaching clients often ask, what is the difference with working with an internal coach (an employee) or an external coach (an independent contractor)? Here are a couple considerations to keep in mind as you make the decision to hire a coach.

1. Clients tend to talk more freely with an external coach than with someone within the organization. An external is “unbiased” while an internal may be influenced by the goals, politics and culture of the organization. For example, it is very common for senior management to “open up” only to an external coach due to the sensitivity of issues they are working on. No matter how well self managed the internal coach may be, if the focus of the coaching is on strategic issues, executives may not feel free to discuss them.

2. Be sure to have a clear agreement upon how coaching information will be exchanged among the client and sponsor. For purposes of identification, the International Coach Federation defines these roles as follows:

  • Client: The “client” is the person(s) being coached.
  • Sponsor: The “sponsor” is the entity (including its representatives) paying for and/or arranging for coaching services to be provided.

3. An internal coach may have access to organizational resources that could enhance the coaching. They may also be more available between coaching sessions for extra support.

4. The external coach may have broader range of experience as they often work with many different organizations.

5. This does not have to be an either/or situation. Many progressive organizations choose to use both internal coaches and external coaches in order to provide best match of coach for the client as well as the objectives of the coaching engagement.

What do you think?

For more resources, see the Library topic Personal and Professional Coaching.


Pam Solberg-Tapper MHSA, PCC – I spark savvy business leaders to fire up their cutting edge, be extraordinary and do great things for their world. How can I help you? Contact me at CoachPam@cpinternet.com ~ Linkedin ~ 218-340-3330

In-House Project Managers vs. External

I have been having an ongoing discussion with a global company that has been having big issues in delivering its major customer projects. They are looking to develop a strategy for provision of real project managers / and or professional project management expertise to help. In doing this, they are having an important debate:

Should they develop in-house local project management competence or should they buy it in as required?

Personally I have my views but what do you think? ”


For more resources, see the Library topic Project Management.


Kevin Lonergan with Project Management Informed Solutions helps clients improve capability to deliver projects and programs, by providing process assets and skills transfer.

Board Spills

Regulations for businesses

The British Financial Reporting Council has just released an updated version of the corporate governance code. The new Code recommends “in the interests of greater accountability”, that all directors of FTSE 350 companies shoulder-elected by the shareholders each year at the AGM.

As with all other provisions of the Code, companies are free to explain rather than comply if they believe that their existing arrangements ensure board effectiveness, or that they need a transitional period before they introduce annual re-election.

This provision sits uneasily alongside the provision that requires directors to be appointed for a specified term and for there to be an especially rigorous explanation of any term beyond six years. It is obviously not intended that, as in some not-for-profit boards, the board is to be substantially changed each year. It is also at odds with the provision that states (and we should all agree) that the nomination committee nomination committee should evaluate the balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge on the board and, in the light of this evaluation, prepare a description of the role and capabilities required for a particular appointment.

It is very difficult in a fast moving commercial environment to find people with the specified skills and experience that also have a vacant slot in their portfolio of board seats at the time when you need to fill your board vacancy. Having found such a person it is a relief when the shareholders ratify the appointment at the next AGM. Although it is rare for shareholders to overturn the recommendation of the board there is always the chance that this may be one of those rare occasions. Boards work (or should work) at the strategic level and they need time to impact the company culture and implement strategic changes. To attempt to provide this high level input in a short time-frame (and one year is perilously short) and have noticeable results to ensure being voted in again at the next AGM is an impossible task. At worst it will lead to a rash of short term initiatives that could weaken the company in the long term (such as cutting back on training and R&D) and at best it will lead to more time at AGMs being wasted with matters of form rather than issues of substance.

The boards of smaller companies are also encouraged to consider their policy on director re-election. Presumably with the idea that they too might benefit from a complete loss of corporate knowledge or an unbalancing of the carefully built skills set available on their boards.

This recommendation is a disaster. It shows that the code-writers have no respect for the value of a skilled board team that acts on strategic long-term issues. Let’s all hope that the FTSE 350 companies opt to explain rather than comply.

What do you think?


Julie Garland-McLellan has been internationally acclaimed as a leading expert on board governance. See her website and LinkedIn profiles, and get her book Dilemmas, Dilemmas: Practical Case Studies for Company Directors.

Julie Garland-McLellan has been internationally acclaimed as a leading expert on board governance. See her website and LinkedIn profiles, and get her book Dilemmas, Dilemmas: Practical Case Studies for Company Directors.

Writing Op-Ed Pieces (Without Sounding Your Own Foghorn)

Man holding a tablet while writing on a note


Looking for additional ways to get exposure for what you do? Consider writing an opinion or editorial essay — commonly known as an Op-Ed piece. Most business sections of the daily and weekly papers have such a space and welcome contributors who know what they are talking about. The trick is to provide insights into the industry in which you work without sounding like a self-promoting foghorn. In other words, keep the piece generally free of things that your company has done and focus more on an issue in the industry merits addressing, or something in the regular news that you can address in a meaningful and hopefully original way. You can make an aside or allude to something in your own experience but don’t dwell on it. Readers sniff out such puffery and are often put off by it.

For example, the principals of a financial staff augmentation firm were interested in looking at big-picture hiring trends — including what the advantages were for using temporary staff from both the corporate side and the consultant side.

After their PR pro did a few hours of research and put together the essay, the piece provided good insights into the developing trends in the economy and illustrated how the work force was rapidly changing, with more people wanting to work more flexible schedules, or even to work five months and take the next two off to go on a dream trip. Plus with downsizing, corporations wanted the flexibility that temps provided, too, since they could not afford top talent full time and did not have to pay benefits. The editors of the local business pages liked it too (“it’s got a lot good statistics and we love that in the business section!”) — and they did not hear any bellowing foghorn in the distance.

What did the client get out of it? A load of goodwill in the business community because many people commented to them about it and some new opportunities to discuss placing their consultants in key, but short-term, high-end financial and accounting positions. Such editorials can help position you as a leader, or “thought leader,” in your industry, and they provide great content to re-purpose to your website, to share in social networks and to use as marketing collateral (this particular company had the article reprinted and available to read in all of its meeting rooms for both potential consultants and clients to read while waiting for meetings to begin).

How does it work? Pretty easy. Find something you are passionate about in your business or industry, or that you have been giving a lot of thought to. Write a brief four-or five sentence summary of it with a catchy headline. Submit to the editor, perhaps with a link to your Bio, or a short statement about who you are and what you do. Email it. Follow up with a call a week later or so if you haven’t heard back. If you get the nod, the editor will usually give you a word count (do not exceed it, since if you make more work for him or her, they will be less inclined to take or publish another such piece). Not only do Op-Ed articles help build your credibility, they sometimes lead to the opportunity to become a regular contributor to a publication. If you get this offering, take it. You’ll be surprised how many people will read your “stuff” and maybe even call you to do business as a result.


For more resources, see the Library topic Public and Media Relations.


Great Marketing Tactic to Increase Your Conversion Rate

Increase in a graph

Great Marketing Advice – Simplify Your Message

I get a lot of newsletters and emails that promote interesting new brands and their products and services. They seem to pour into my inbox so fast that I have a tough time deciding which ones are worth even a few seconds of my time.

When I do glance at them, I am continually amazed at how much wisdom and experience people are willing to share with the masses … and I often save these valuable articles and whitepapers. Such is the case with Infusionsoft’s email marketing case example.

This tip is especially important in our age of explosive digital information, when we are inundated and often a bit overwhelmed:

Looking for Email Marketing

“Here at Infusionsoft we pride ourselves on the comprehensiveness of our product. Our marketing message has typically been that our software is an “all-in-one small business solution”, and it is. But that message doesn’t seem to resonate very well. People don’t want an all-in-one solution, especially small business owners and entrepreneurs. The majority of them are looking for email marketing.”

“So, late this year we started testing the idea of leading our message with email marketing only, and why our email marketing solution is superior to what people are used to. This is a big change for us and we were reluctant to go this route because our product is so much more than just email marketing.”

Increase Your Conversion Rate

“We’ve learned that by focusing our message on only one aspect of our product, people are much more likely to listen to the rest of the message. Conversions have increased and the new customers that have come in the door under our new message seem to be much better customers. So the lesson learned is: Even if your product is amazing and does a million wonderful things, it’s crucial to only talk about one thing at a time and start with the most relevant one.” -Tyler Garns, Infusionsoft (Thanks to Marketing Sherpa for the quote.)

Free Trial Offer!

I’m passing on their great offer – Free Trial on InfusionSoft at the link below!

Infusionsoft Free Trial

Have you simplified your message? Do you have tips for how to do it effectively?


For more resources, see our Library topics Marketing and Social Networking.

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ABOUT Lisa M. Chapman: With offices in Nashville Tennessee, but working virtually with international clients, Lisa M. Chapman serves her clients as a business and marketing coach, business planning consultant and social media consultant. As a Founder of iBrand Masters, a social media consulting firm, Lisa Chapman helps clients to establish and enhance their online brand, attract their target market, engage them in meaningful social media conversations, and convert online traffic into revenues. Email: Lisa @ LisaChapman.com

Another Reason Why I Object To Feasibility Studies (Part #1 of 2)


When I started my career in fundraising, in the late ‘70s, my first employer was one of the traditional capital campaign-consulting firms — one of those firms that, for the most part, only engaged in feasibility studies and capital campaigns.

Like many like similar firms, there was little attention paid to the broad concepts of “Development” and how a campaign could/would/should impact an NPO’s future relations with its community.

I was a campaign director – the fellow who moved into town for the length of the campaign and worked with the non-profit’s leadership to guide the campaign. Most often, I was working with an NPO for which my employer had already done a “feasibility study.”

Back then, it turns out, whatever firm did the “study,” was the firm that was (almost always) “selected” to provide campaign direction.

It didn’t take me long, especially after talking with my colleagues and counterparts at other campaign-counselling firms, to figure out that the “studies” were not just the foot-in-the-door for those firms, but the means for keeping the door wide-open!!

The “tradition” had been, and still is for many consulting firms, that all study interviews must be confidential. That means, in essence, that an organization hires a consultant to conduct a study where no one could be quoted directly about what they said about their own potential giving or leadership roles … or those of others.

The study report could indicate that some interviewees thought that Mr. Xyz would make a good leader and/or that Mrs. Abc would likely make a large gift, but you couldn’t report that Mr. Xyz said he’d be happy to lead or that Mrs. Abc said she’d make a large gift. Huh !!

The report might have indicated that there were three people who would likely make six-figure gifts, eight people who indicated that they’d make five-figure gifts, and three people who would volunteer to be and would make excellent campaign leaders.

But, because the interviews were confidential, only the consultant really knew who said what, and why, and the “confidential information” was not included in the Study Report.

See Why I Object To Feasibility Studies – Part Two

Have a question about starting or expanding your fundraising program? Email me at AskHank@Major-Capital-Giving.com. With over 30 years of counseling in major gifts, capital campaigns, bequest programs and the planning studies to precede these three, we’ll do our best to answer your question.

Business Planning Doesn’t End with Your Plan: Part 2 of 2

hand holding a note that says "business plan" against a corporate background

Rolfe Larson is on vacation. This blog was written by guest writer Jan Cohen.

Regardless of how thorough your business plan is, the start-up period always brings surprises. This is the second of a two part series on lessons learned, based on experiences working with many business ventures.

3. The product or service won’t be what you’ve projected. In a new business with multiple products or a menu of services, it is important to listen to customers (those who buy and those who do not buy) and revise the mix, reshape the product(s) and the services if necessary. Remember that the first six months of a business are an important part of the business planning process. Be flexible in the product line, changing to meet market interest and to keep the customer. When listening carefully to customers, you may find that:

  • There is less interest in one or some of the products or services you envisioned, but real interest in an additional or different model of the product or service. Suggestions to consider may include changes or additions to features, hours, participants, format, or pricing/payment structure.
  • There is much more demand than you are ready to provide. Strategize whether there is a way to ramp up, or whether you need to limit the use or number of offerings. Growing too fast is as risky as growing too slowly.
  • The market takes longer to develop. Marketing strategy changes to prioritize targeted markets are critical, as well as decisions about whether you can wait for the market to develop or change focus to a different targeted customer.
  • Listen and learn. A new business, especially if it’s your first venture, may require a new and dynamic infrastructure of procedures and forms to assure quick and accurate processing of customers and collection of revenue. You may find that your planning didn’t fully account for this.

4. Let customers shape not only the product but also the message. The best way to get the right message that rings true to targeted customers is to ask them what’s important about this product or service.

5. Word of mouth can be more effective than all other marketing activities. People who know you, your organization, past customers of other services you’ve provided in the past, and those who are in your various networks can often do more to help you through their networks (in person and online) than all of the marketing materials you can create. Focus some efforts on these people.


For more resources, see our Library topic Business Planning.

Jan Cohen has been a consultant and social enterprise practitioner working with nonprofit organizations for more than 25 years, focusing on earned income strategies and business venture development, start up, and management. FMI LinkedIn or email.

C is for Connection

"Everything is connected" neon light signage

My description of spirit in the workplace is that it allows you to feel a greater sense of connection by bringing your whole self, the essence of who you are, to a supportive environment. People are yearning for connections on multiple levels – connecting with a higher purpose, connecting lovingly with yourself, connecting deeply with others and connecting meaning with your work.
“Spirituality is the deep feeling of interconnectedness of everything. To be spiritual is to examine the connections between one’s products and services and the impacts they have on the broader environment. The recognition of interconnectedness constantly forces one to expand one’s vision,” according to the authors of the book A Spiritual Audit of Corporate America.

The “butterfly effect” is a wonderful example of this interconnectedness principle. What started out as a myth and legend in 1963, has now been proven scientifically through the Law of Sensitive Dependence Upon Initial Conditions. What this means is that the mere flaps of a butterfly wings can set “molecules of air in motion and continue to do this until eventually it’s capable of starting a hurricane on the other side of a planet.” Andy Andrews in this book The Butterfly Effect: How Your Life Matters explains this theory and shares wonderful examples of this interconnectedness of our lives. It’s a fascinating book and makes me think about how incredible it is to know that we are connected to everyone. He says, “Every single thing you do matters. You have been created as one of a kind. You have been created in order to make a difference. You have within you the power to change the world.” Click here to watch an inspiration movie of it along with more information about the book.
So here’s where I need your help to test out this butterfly effect theory. My husband and I have been selected as one of four finalists for a national marriage contest. We share in our five minute video the connectedness we felt when we first met and knew that we had “found the one.” The original inspiration for writing our love story was to share this “divine connection” with our three sons. Then our inspiration grew to inspiring others to show their love for each other by writing their own stories. Now my inspiration is to test out the butterfly effect theory with your help. Will what we did with our story matter to someone else in the world? Will our actions impact others who have never met us? Please take five minutes to watch our video and post a comment. I’ll check back with you in another blog to share what we found out. It’s a win-win by doing this; we all get to test out this spiritual law of connections and it’s a win for us if our love story gets the most comments!

I greatly appreciate being connected to you!


For more resources, see our Library topic Spirituality in the Workplace.
