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Book Review: Succeeding at Social Enterprise

Earlier this year, the Social Enterprise Alliance published Succeeding at Social Enterprise: Hard-Won Lessons for Nonprofits and Social Entrepreneurs (Jossey-Bass). Anyone interested in starting or strengthening a social enterprise would benefit from reading this informative book. The book’s sixteen chapters are organized into three sections: Startup and Structure, Methods, and Leadership. Each section contains chapters …

In Reaching out to the Media, Don’t Forget Your Backside

Public Relations is often about telling your story to the media. But what about the people who work for you? Making news begins at home. It’s possible to send a strong new message to the press that covers your industry, or your company if you’re a big player. But is your message to the media …

A Little PR Can Go a Long Way

For best PR results, you have to give the same messages over and over again through interviews, your pitches and your press materials, so be consistent and make your message your mantra.

Coaching Forwards Action and Deepens Learning

Coaching is about change. Clients are attracted to coaching because of the emphasis on taking action and being held accountable. They may be competent and successful in many areas of their lives, but there is a situation where they can’t seem to make the changes they desire on their own. The coach enhances motivation, action …

We’re Not In Oz, Dorothy: Why Your Donors Give

This piece was motivated by Renata Rafferty’s Posting of June 8: see “The-Politically-Incorrect-Guide-To-Donors” Renata’s method of “classifying” donors by motivation, which revisits a subject that doesn’t get enough attention, reminded me of a series of articles I read, many years ago, in The Chronicle of Philanthropy. Those articles, based on the book, “The Seven Faces …

Acceptance vs. Apathy

I want to follow up Janae’s posting on employee engagement with this quote from a colleague Dr. Joan Marques, Founder/President at Academy for Spirituality and Professional Excellence (ASPEX). “There’s a difference between apathy and acceptance. Apathy lets you endure life. Acceptance helps you enjoy it.” How many times have you seen co-workers drudge through their …

E is for Engaged

There is a growing recognition even among the hardest-driving companies that they pay a price for not engaging their employees. A disengaged workplace can manifest itself in low morale, high turnover, burnout, frequent stress-related illness, and rising absenteeism. Many years ago the Gallup Organization discovered that, “disengaged” or “actively disengaged” employees which make up 64% …

Unleashing the Power of your Story-II

Key Ideas Underlying Story Work “There is nothing so practical as a good theory.” Kurt Lewin In last week’s post, I suggested that one of the most powerful ways to understand yourself as a leader and as a human being, and to align your energy to create the results you want in life, is to …

Marketing Data – Mining Through Social Media

People Browsr is a ‘social search engine’ and a ‘conversation mine’. It’s ‘sentiment analysis’, where people, computers, or a combination of both, trawl through online comments, conversations, opinions, for information about how people are thinking and feeling about certain products.