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You want to work in HR?

A career in HR can be very rewarding, but like accounting it isn’t for everyone. It is important to figure out what aspects of work excite or motivate you.

Evaluating Your Major Gifts Prospects

Too many people (NPO board members, volunteers and staff) believe that “Evaluation” means determining what a potential donor should give!! That couldn’t be more wrong. A formal evaluation process has two objectives: to identify a dollar amount that the prospective donor would be likely to be able to afford; and, to identify a (realistic) dollar …

Twitter Works

Twitter continues to prove its worth as a crisis management tool, often surpassing traditional media sources because of its flexible and easily accessible nature. In a recent blog post, Jessica Ziegler, social media strategist and Vestor Logic’s Director of Social Web Design, described how Twitter took the lead during last week’s Colorado wildfires: From where …

J is for Joy

Bringing Joy to Work “To bring joy to billions” is the mission statement of Rhonda Byrne, author of The Secret and her newly released book The Power. I know that I’m one of those billion people that she was intending to bring joy to. While her work has brought me joy, she has no idea …

Women and Senior Organizational Leadership

The movement of women into senior leadership positions continues to be incredibly slow in the U.S. Among Fortune 500 companies, only 16% of corporate officers, 14% of board directors, 5% of top earners, and just over 1% of CEOs are women. Women in these settings continue to be viewed as having more nurturing, supportive, and communal tendencies, and are evaluated more harshly than men if they demonstrate these qualities, especially in more senior leadership roles.

Dancing With the Stats

Tracking the statistics for a non-profit is an important part of fulfilling accountability measures of funders. Every non-profit should have a statistics gathering strategy. This will ensure that data is gathered accurately and becomes a part of the regular activities of your non-profit. Your statistics gathering strategy should include: Who will do it – It …

4 Things to Include When Writing a Report to Your Funders

Writing reports for funding received is as important as writing your initial proposal. Too often we forget that our funders are very dependent upon written reports to provide accountability for their own activities and actions. It is through details of these reports that they are able to promote themselves and convince more people to invest …

Being a PM doesn’t mean I have to chase people on tasks, does it?

As with many walks of life, there are many views on project management. The following short discussion demonstrates brilliantly the differing views of people relating to the task of project management and the responsbilities of a project manager. When having met an organisation recently I was talking to a few project managers, and one of …

Constructing An Effective Grant Proposal (First Part of a Series)

So, you’ve completed your research and are ready to start writing!! The question, now, is how do you go about structuring your grant proposal? For those circumstances where the funder provides specific guidelines, there’s only one rule worth remembering: “Follow those guidelines to-the-letter.” But what about those many occasions when there are no guidelines for …