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Carrying the Stone – Part 2: Listen for Feelings and Needs

My last blog was about not carrying someone’s stone – that is, pay attention to when you step in and fix someone else’s problem that is not yours to fix. I suggested instead for you to take some time to discern what is yours to do vs. not. Perhaps some of you had a hard …

Unpack Your Backpack

During a recent coaching session, my client was overwhelmed and stressed because of all of his responsibilities. He said his shoulders felt weighted down, like he was carrying a heavy backpack. I asked what he would like to accomplish on our call – emphatically he stated he wanted to get things in his life sorted …

Get Specific

If I were to ask you if your company or organization had a crisis plan, more than likely you would answer, “Yes.” That’s because managers are increasingly becoming aware of the need to be prepared when something goes wrong. On the other hand, if I were to ask if your crisis plan stipulates detailed steps …

Branding for Easy Promotion

When you create goodwill with customers by actually DELIVERING those benefits, they will tell their neighbors, their kids’ teachers, and their golf buddies.

Unleashing the Power of your Story—VI

The Essence of Story work This post is the last in a series about Creating your Leadership Story—how you can learn to see your original systemic story; how, particularly in high stakes situations, it inserts itself into your present day leadership behavior; and how, if desired, you can change your story. The fundamental premise is …

How to Use The Gift Table

Gift Tables (also known as Gift Pyramids) are great fundraising tools for capital campaigns, major gifts fundraising, “fiscal year fundraising,” and even for major events. Starting with the basics: Prior to the beginning of every fiscal year, an NPO goes through its budgeting process and comes up with a (realistic, attainable) figure for how much …

Appendix to “6 Important Items to Include in Board Orientation Packages”

Yesterday, I wrote an article about what was important to include in a board orientation package http://envisioningthefutureintl.ca/2010/09/07/6-important-items-to-include-in-board-orientation-packages/ . While some people felt that it would be overwhelming to give new board members all that information. I continue to reiterate that it is important that your board be well informed in order for them to make …

Motivation-Do your programs support it?

Consider how the culture of your organization and the HR programs in your organization drive motivation. Do the HR programs focus on the stance that it is a manager’s job to motivate their staff?

Carrying the Stone – Part 1

I’m going to write a 3 part series on carrying the weight of problems at work. In this first part I’m going to address how to be a “witness” of someone’s problem and be aware of how often you carry someone else’s stone. Many people get into the jobs they do because they like to …

6 Important Items to Include in Board Orientation Packages

It’s important that a lot of thought and consideration go into the development of your organization’s board package. A board package is an organization’s first opportunity to orient their new board members to their organization. Therefore, your board will be as well informed about your organization as you make them. Board packages are not just …