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Headlines that Grab Attention

No one has time to actually read everything that comes across our computer screens. So you MUST write effective headlines that pull them in. And you have one shot at it – within exactly 3 seconds.

Welcome to the Career Management Blog!

I’m Marcia Zidle and I’m the host of this blog. You can read more about me next to my picture in the sidebar. This blog will be about various aspects of career management, will focus especially on practical tips and tools, and will include posts from guest writers. You can learn more about this blog …

Women, Power, and Leadership (by Kathy Curran)

The main premise of this blog entry is that among all the leadership skills taught to prospective female managers and leaders, education in the successful use of personal and organizational power is still sorely lacking. It is well accepted that the skills that enable a person to excel in their chosen field are very different than the ones necessary to lead and manage others. However, for women, the challenge is different than for men, not necessarily only because of possible discrimination, but because our socialization still does not prepare us to handle organizational power and influence well.

Constructing The Gift Table

“Hank,” the email said, “can you send me a gift pyramid that my organization can use in preparing for a capital campaign.” My response leaned somewhat toward the academic…. Gift Tables and Pyramids are great fundraising tools, but their construction and usage are often very much misunderstood. They are most often associated with capital campaigns, …

Exit Quietly

Good crisis management is rarely about attracting a lot of attention and staying in the news. In fact, many fine examples of crisis management have gone nearly unnoticed except for the parties involved. This quote from a NY Times article explains: “Companies that typically handle crises well, you never hear about them,” says James Donnelly, …

Overcoming Social Media Concerns

One of the biggest concerns companies have about venturing onto social media is a fear that detractors, competitors or others who dislike their brand will comment publicly, venting their problem and leaving open the door for a lot of negative viral buzz. Their thinking is that if they aren’t on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or any …

Top Viral Ads of All Time

Interested in tracking the top viral ads? Keep this link among your favorites and enjoy the wonder of those who achieve the top viral distinction – against all odds: Ad Age’s Viral Chart.

Coaching Your Top Performers

A guest post by Terrence Seamon I recently watched a documentary on TV about the finalists in the 2009 international Van Cliburn piano competition held every four years in Fort Worth, Texas. These young virtuosos were incredibly talented, the best pianists in the world from many countries including the U.S., Japan, Russia, China, Italy, South …

Leading Dynamically: Achieve What Others Say is Impossible

In these turbulent times where outcomes are unpredictable, those who lead dynamically are succeeding. Dynamical leaders pay attention to three conditions to ensure an effective, highly functioning organization: coherence, resilience, and fitness. The leader who masters these conditions will achieve what others say is impossible!

Choosing Happiness

There are plenty of things to worry us, just turn on the TV or radio news. During times of uncertainly or stressful work conditions, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and forget who you are as a spiritual being. You may be asking, ‘OK, how do I feel happiness when I have deadlines in front of …