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Career Planning: Looking At Options

What’s your best move? Once you have completed a review of who you are, (see prior post) then focus on what’s next for you. Many people think if they’re not finding career satisfaction in their present job then their only choice is to change companies or careers. That’s not the case. Before jumping ship explore …

Bringing Executive Coaching into Your Organization

Executive Coaching is on the rise as a way to positively impact business performance. The Denisoff Consulting Group (of which I am a member: The DCG Coaching Cadre Team) recently published a complimentary white paper. This white paper Business & Management Consulting – Denisoff Consulting Group covers important Executive Coaching topics such as: addressing the …

How Much Should the Client Be Involved in Consulting Projects?

Peter Block, author of Flawless Consulting, asserts that, as a consultant, you should not be contributing more than 50% of the effort in a consulting project. Your client should work the remainder. You should never be doing what your client can do in a project. This is especially true for external consultants. Internal consultants might …

Some Criteria For a Mission Statement to Meet

There are few topics in strategic planning that generate such diverse and strong opinions as what should be in a mission statement. The statements vary from one-line slogans to multi-page documents. There are few activities that can become such as waste of time as extensive discussions about what words should be in a mission statement …

Some New Nonprofit Board Models

As demands for Board effectiveness and accountability continue to grow, research and discussions about how Boards might operate differently, continue to grow, as well. There are a variety of new ideas for Board models. Networked Governance David Renz suggests that the effectiveness of governance could be enhanced when we realize that governance can include organizations …

Close More New Business

Metrilogics offers a rock-solid guarantee that sets them apart from other consulting firms – giving them an important competitive advantage.

Capital Campaigns #12: Soliciting the Lowest-Rated Prospects

The “Lowest-Rated” prospects are those who are left after the (“higher-rated”) prospects from all the other Divisions have been assigned; and, considering that condition, this segment of your constituency should not be solicited until all of the “higher-rated” prospects have been solicited. As noted, these are the prospects for whom you have no idea of …

Q is for Quiet

I remember being in college with the assignment to be alone and quiet for 25 minutes. We were to do this and report back our experience. One of my friends, a major extrovert, could not do it. She said after 5 minutes, she was done! I remember completing the project, but wondered about its value …

Leadership Competencies and Change, Part 2

There is significant outcome data that demonstrates a strong correlation between the skills and knowledge of the individuals responsible for leading change and the actual success of organizational change initiatives. This again begs the question: What leadership behaviors or competencies are most strongly associated with effectively leading or overseeing change initiatives? This blog entry addresses three competency areas associated with effectively leading change.