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After a Crisis

Crisis management doesn’t stop when the fires die down When the immediate threat of a crisis passes, it’s seductively comforting to breathe a huge sigh of relief and return to business as usual. However, the fallout and subsequent consequences are likely just beginning. Trust will need to be repaired and confidence restored. Uninformed second-guessing will …

Training to Read Minds

If we only knew what others were thinking, it would make our job so much easier as trainers. Especially if we are a trainer for the hospitality industry as a friend of mine. Cherry Santos, Learning & Development Manager at Taj Resorts & Palaces, is working on a module simply titled: “How to Read People’s …

Being Aware of Judgments

I recently moved from the quiet of the Blue Ridge Mountains to the high paced, traffic intense, N.VA area. I’ve been aware of my judgments since landing. To help ground me during this transition, I’ve taken 3 yoga classes, all different from the style I’m used to. I’ve been aware of my judgments during these …

Capital Campaigns #11: The Lower-Rated Prospects

“Lower-Rated” refers to those prospects whose gifts/commitments will fall outside of the definition of a “major gift.” (See: What is A Major Gift?) That doesn’t mean that the total giving from those prospects would be an insignificant dollar figure … it just means that there’d be a relatively large number of prospects, requiring a large …

What Is Career Planning?

To make it happen in your career, you need to plan your career. Career planning is a process of understanding oneself, exploring career options, making wise decisions and moving forward. What complicates it is that people, careers and organizations are constantly changing. Therefore, career planning is not something done one time early in your career. …

Bad Guys Lose with Google

Google nails its latest crisis management effort Although Google has been at the center of several controversies, the notoriously tight-lipped search behemoth has the advantage of being a public favorite, which means that it has already banked a good amount of reputation “credit” that can be renewed when the need for crisis management arises. Furthering …

What is “Success” in Project Management?

Your client’s perception of project “success” is the basis from which your client concludes, for example, whether the project of high quality, that money paid to you was well spent, that you did a good job as a consultant, and whether you might be hired again (if you are an external consultant). Early in the …