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Making a Statement

How you communicate is just as important as what’s actually said Many business execs think of written statements as powerful tools, tools that satisfy reporters and the public while quelling any questioning or doubt. The rest of the world…not so much. In an article for his website, Mr. Media Training, Brad Phillips composed a solid …

Gratitude- Make it a Practice

In honor of the Thanksgiving holiday, this post will be dedicated to gratitude. Research has shown that practicing gratitude can make you happier. Take a moment and test the theory. Stop reading and spend the next few minutes naming things (out loud is ok) for which you are grateful. How many of you smiled at just the thought of those things? If your thoughts turned to people for whom you are grateful, how have you expressed this to them? If you answered yes, then how long ago? Are you saying to yourself, “they know I am thankful for them and can’t live without them.” Are you sure?

“Dress Right! Dress!” for Successful Training

Submitted by Guest Writer, Antonio Centeno President, A Tailored Suit The Effect of Clothing on Training – How to Dress Professionally for Successful Training The direct relationship between clothing and a person’s state of mind has been observed for thousands of years. To see this in practice, simply look at how militaries, hospitals, and religious …

What are Belbin team roles?

The Belbin Team Inventory, also called the Belbin Self-Perception Inventory or Belbin Team Role Inventory is an assessment used to gain insight into an individual’s behavioural tendency in a team environment. It was devised by Dr. Meredith Belbin to measure preference for the nine Team Roles discovered whilst studying numerous teams at Henley Management College. …

Capital Campaigns #9: Leadership

Leadership is the key factor in any capital campaign – leadership that energizes the process from its onset. So, to start a campaign, the first donors must be Board Members. These individuals must set an example with their level of giving so they have the credibility/leverage to solicit the other Board Members and so they …

The Egoectomy Procedure

Greg Law is a long time friend and one of the many people awakening now on our little planet. Greg has worked as an I.T. person most of his life, while quietly offloading a very persistent ego. He hopes to interest medical researchers in making the egoectomy procedure the next big thing in medicine. He …

Don’t Assume in Training Workshops

Do prepare your speakers with all the information you can about the conference, including theme, size and organizational expectations. Don’t let speakers assume it’s business as usual. Sometimes, those of us who speak or train need reminders that we shouldn’t assume too much either. I recently had the pleasure of speaking at a conference, and …