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Questions to Avoid Crisis

Asking a few questions now can prevent crises later One of the very best ways to prevent crises is to avoid them altogether. While obviously this isn’t always possible, there are steps you can take to shift the odds in your favor. In a recent blog post, Barry Hurd, President of 123 Social Media, gave …

20 Great Ways to Engage and Involve Your Audience

Not long ago I worked with an energetic, creative group who, while focusing on presentation skills, wondered how to best engage their audiences. I asked them what engagement strategies they appreciated when they were in the audience. They had plenty of ideas about engagement techniques that I think any speaker could benefit from. These are …

Coaching Tool – Reflections and Intentions

An effective way to start out the 2011 New Year is to Reflect on 2010 and set Intentions for 2011. I created this easy, simple worksheet for my coaching clients to capture their “Reflections” and “Intentions” as they embrace the New Year ahead. Try it and let me know what you think. Reflections of 2010 …

Training Using Life Simulations

I recently had the pleasure of reviewing Naomi Karten‘s book on Presentation Skills for Technical Professionals and found it an excellent resource, not only for its intended audience but for others who may be giving technical presentations such as trainers. Naomi Karten, the author of several books, including Presentation Skills for Technical Professionals: Achieving Excellence …

Partners And Competitors In The Non-Profit Sector

When I first started out in the non-profit sector, a funder told me that there was tension in the non-profit sector that was important to ensure that organizations changed and evolved and continued to evolve with their communities. I didn’t get it then, but now I do. That tension is called competition and it goes …