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Information is Power: What Do You Know?

Do you have all the puzzle pieces and know how they fit? Just for a moment, visualize your career as one huge jigsaw puzzle with many different pieces. One piece can be your department’s goals; a second your company’s challenges; a third your industry and how it’s doing; a fourth the economy in your city …

Endowment “Campaigns”

Endowment Campaigns are often thought of as another type of Capital Campaign, but there are two major (and some minor) differences between these types of fundraising efforts. •   A capital campaign primarily raises funding     for tangibles – bricks-and-mortar and     equipment, sometimes programs. An     endowment is a “savings account” from which an organization typically uses     only the …

Proactive Crisis Management

Get your story out first As anyone who’s been involved in a crisis knows, bad news travels alarmingly fast. This has been compounded in recent years by the evolution of cell phones into mobile computers, creating the need for near-instant reactions to breaking crises. When the situation does arise, Crisis Management 101 dictates that you …

The Importance Of Developing Talent Within An Organisation

Despite rising unemployment recruiters of senior managers are claiming it is still far from easy to attract talent. People in secure employment are far less willing to switch jobs than they were two years ago. It is therefore imperative to develop the talent within our organisations, a fact supported by a Deloitte survey

Breakeven Analysis

One of the common challenges in business planning is that one often has a better handle on predicting expenses than revenues. It doesn’t mean you’re 100% sure about what your costs are going to be, but for many folks, when they start looking at sales, it’s a crap shoot. As a result, many business plans …

Strategy First… Then Structure

The historian Alfred Chandler of Harvard Business School wrote a seminal book published in 1977 on the history of strategic decision making at the highest levels of Corporate America , including DuPont, General Motors, Standard Oil and Sears Roebuck. The book was called The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business. In this work …

Coaching Tip – 5 Musts for “Managing Up”

In today’s workplace, “Managing Up” is essential if you want to avoid cutbacks or be considered for advancement. The term “Managing Up” refers to the process of intentionally working with your manager to obtain the best possible results for you, your manager and your organization. As I work with my coaching clients we strategize ways …

Developing Winning Team Presentations

Are you responsible for leading your team to create and deliver presentations together? Whether it is a pitch for new business or a project report, it can be a challenge to develop presentations that are cohesive, smooth and compelling. Before you develop your next team presentation, check out these reminders that may help you create …

Twitter or the Web?

How will you communicate in a crisis? At around 7 a.m. Friday, Bank of America Corp. experienced a partial outage of its online banking service. The Charlotte, N.C., bank used Twitter to get the word out, but it did not announce the outage on its home page. Impacted consumers simply got an error message. “It …