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How to Reach Gen Y Online

Before actually reaching out to Gen Y, companies must first spend time listening and learning what’s important to them, how they think, and what they like (or dislike!)

Scrum versus Waterfall?

Many methods have emerged over the years that are hailed as the greatest and latest way to deliver a project. A good example would be the “scrum” method for delivering IT projects. The scrum concept is implemented in a number of ways, one of which could be to pick groups of requirements which are delivered …

Using Project Teams On Organizational Change Projects

Benefits of Consulting and/or Project Teams Occasionally, a client will specify that they want a team of consultants on the project because the project requires substantial expertise and resources. While there can be many frustrations for consultants working in teams, there are also major benefits. The team can provide a wide variety of expertise and …

Links to Build a Consulting Practice

Our firm gets 4-5 calls/month from people wanting to know how to start or grow a consulting practice. Obviously, there’s no standardized procedure for that. It depends on the nature of the service you’d offer as a consultant. If you’re selling services to develop job descriptions for rural electric co-ops in Kansas, well your service …

Training Solutions for the “Dumbest Management Concepts of All Time”

I just read an article on BNET, an online resource like the Free Management Library–no disrespect intended to FML, nor am I promoting BNET. I get my inspiration from all over. The article was titled the The 5 Dumbest Management Concepts of All Time. The author says, “These five commonly-held management concepts are responsible for …

Career Advice for the Young Professional

We’ve all had successes and even some failures in our career. What can we learn? Here are words of wisdom from experienced leaders I interviewed for a career management presentation at a recent young professional conference. Seven tips to guide your career. 1. Have big enough goals. “Don’t pay any attention to those well-meaning naysayers …

Looking Forward: Major Gifts In The New Year

Responsible planning, in any economy, involves identifying sources of funding sufficient to ensure continuation/survival of the programs that satisfy the needs of the people and the communities you serve. Ensuring the funding of your programs requires that you minimize the risk of (again?) losing a large percentage of your income. According to “Giving USA 2010,” …

Connect with ~7500 SE fans

Just wanted to mention a listserv devoted exclusively to social enterprise. Its focus is learning more about how organizations can develop successful social enterprise strategies to generate earned income to pursue mission, build capacity and achieve greater sustainability. If you’re interested, you’re invited to join the 7500-subscriber npEnterprise Forum listserv, the official listserv partner of …

T is for Time

In order for us to express our spirit in the work that we do, we must carve out the time to do it. At the date of publishing this blog post, it’s the first week of the New Year. I don’t know about you, but I’m carefully deliberating how I’m going to best spend my …

Training to Prevent Customer Service Disasters–Whose Fault is It Anyway?

We all know the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is engaged in the important work to prevent customer service disasters involving extreme loss of life, and because its job is so important to us, the TSA as the big dog in charge has been getting the brunt of the criticism for any appalling incident involving airport …