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Staying Motivated

Even the best laid plans can go awry, and we all have tough times in business. It can be challenging to close major sales, get the growth we want, and our competitors tend to throw up obstacles. Through all this, how do you stay motivated? What works for you may not work for someone else. …

What Gandhi taught us about business planning

A reporter came to interview Mahatma Gandhi one day. It turned out this was his day of silent fasting, but the reporter still insisted on getting Gandhi’s message to the world. Ghandi wrote: My Life Is My Message. In a business world where many hours and dollars are often spent crafting that perfect positioning statement …

Man oh Man, Don’t Run Out of Cash

One of the main reasons companies go out of business is for lack of cash. These companies may even be growing, successful in the market — but they run out of cash. Don’t let this happen to you. Make sure you prepare cash flow projections on a regular basis. One time of great risk is …

The Best Way to Train Others or The Perfect Training Solution

What happens when we stop talking face-to-face? Nothing and everything. This has been my theme since I wrote a science fiction novel on the subject. When society gets lazy and decides the tough questions about running the world are best answered by a machine–an evolving artificial intelligence, a computer server I call “Makr,” the world …

Low/no profit is not a virtue

The way you hear some social enterprisers talk, you’d think it’s an inherently good thing to lose money, or if you have to make a profit, keep it small. For example, the new Low-Profit Limited Liability (L3C) corporate structure, which allows an SE to have social objectives and attract investors, has that low profit mentality …

D is for Deepak Chopra

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of listening to Deepak Chopra speak in person at an inspiring minds series held just outside of Minneapolis. While he was speaking one of the things that really struck me was how brilliant his mind is. He’s one of those few people who are the leading edge …

Measuring Your Email Success: Part 2- Your Overall Program

Email is a very measurable tool, and it’s important that you measure your results so you can report on the effectiveness of your email program. In this post, I’ll suggest the most meaningful metrics for you to view your email program’s success as a whole. I like to measure this and report it on a …

Try Mobile Billboards

NomADic genius is a mobile rolling, scrolling 3D illuminating machine – built to attract your target audience’s attention.

Dialing for Dollars: Telephone Skills that Matter

Today we don’t use the phone just for conversations or to set up meetings; we use it to have the meetings. Has the art of the telephone been lost? Or do we just take it for granted? Here is a checklist of best practices and a few no-nos to keep in mind next time you are doing business over the phone.

Performance Problems: Nip Them in the Bud

Do you put off dealing with employee performance problems? Many managers struggle with their reluctance to deal with an employee regarding poor performance or inappropriate behavior. Here are some concerns I’ve heard: “I don’t want to rock the boat, especially when the employee is performing the function even if not up to expectations.” “Correcting an …