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C is for Christopher Laney

Imagine you have a mentor you can call on in any situation. Whenever uncertainty swarms, this wise person illuminates your best possible choice at any given moment. Never one to command or threaten, this mentor simply encourages in a voice that rarely rises above a gentle whisper. Wouldn’t life unfold much easier if such a …

Successful International Projects

Your next project involves implementations here as well as in other countries. Are congratulations in order? Or are condolences more appropriate? No doubt installations in other geographies come with their own inherent set of challenges. Currency fluctuations; centralized versus local procurement; languages; time zones. And those are even before considering difficulties due to the particular …

Five Techniques for Motivating a Team

It’s always going to be the case that you find some people easier to work with than others. Sometimes you can pinpoint the problem immediately (if, for example, your employee is lazy or unresponsive, comes in late and leaves early, shirks responsibility, or constantly questions your authority without cause). But there are times when your …

Employee Motivation: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Some people like their eggs poached, or scrambled, or soft-boiled, or sunny-side up. Others prefer deviled eggs, an omelet, or a quiche. A key principle of employee motivation is that different people and different groups have different needs and desires. Here’s what you need to know about motivation. 1. Money is not the top motivator …

Career Intelligence: What They Didn’t Teach You in School

How many of you in college or graduate school had a course, or even a workshop, on managing your career? I bet not many because too many young professionals and emerging leaders come to me for guidance with all kinds of career situations: Advancing in a corporate career, getting along with their boss, taking on …

Is Anybody Listening?

People these days seem to be impatient, stressed and constantly rushed. As a result of poor listening, we make mistakes, we forget what was said, or we miss nuances in the conversation. We owe it to ourselves and all those we care about at home and at work, to slow down, pay attention, and do the hard but rewarding work of listening.


Every year thousands of change initiatives are undertaken globally in the form of reorganization, structural and procedural change, new product and service launches, and the setting of strategy, goals, and objectives. Yet, according to Harvard Business Review, 70% of all change initiatives fail. The financial cost of failed change to organizations, the economy, and society …

Having a Rough Week? Five Ideas to Shift your Energy.

If you are having one of those weeks with one frustration after another, you may find it hard to muster the energy to keep moving forward. How do you re-connect to your Source of inspiration and energy when you are overwhelmed, unmotivated or feeling off balance? One spiritual practice is this: Do something- anything- to …

Measuring Your Email Success: Part 1- Individual Email Results

Email is a very measurable tool, and it’s important that you measure your results so you can report on the effectiveness of your email program. In this post, I’ll suggest the most meaningful metrics for you to examine an individual message’s results against previous emails. In the next post, I’ll show you how to view …

Staff Meetings: “All for One and One for All!”

We don’t often think about staff meetings as a training ground, but they are. Granted, they exist at a very basic level (only lower level would be OJT, or on-the-job training, considered one of the best training environments), but few situations allow you to have so many company subject matter experts and leaders in the …