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Financial Advisers and the Non-Profit Sector

An Ethical Question: The following is based on a question raised by a financial planner…. In the non-profit world, there is an ethical prohibition against anyone profiting by advising/encouraging another to make a gift to a non-profit organization. There is also a specific prohibition against anyone being compensated by a percentage of any amounts donated …

Blogging for Crisis Management

Not just a branding tool Your company’s blog is one of its most valuable assets, serving as a tool for marketing, customer service, and, of most interest to us here, crisis management. With some forethought, your blog can become the focal point for information distribution in times of crisis, getting the story you want to …

Six Critical Steps to Training High-Quality Customer Service…

…and that’s the easy part. Serving customers is what we all do. We know that. It’s just that sometimes our employees don’t seem to care about anything but their own little comfortable box they made for themselves. Now, the truth is that they may care; they just don’t know what to do to make it …

Learner-Centered Training Part 2

The first step in creating workplace training and learning events is preparation. This may seem obvious, but this step is specific to learner preparation not facilitator preparation. Learner preparation requires the facilitator to take planned steps that will help the learning build connections with the topic, with their goals for the learning, with the other participants and with the learning outcomes. This stage of the training should occur even before the day training starts if possible. If not possible, it should occur from the very first moment.

E is for Robert Emmons, Ph.D.

In order for other people to grow deeper on their own spiritual path, I believe that we learn from others who have walked that path before us. Who I’m highlighting for E is Dr. Robert Emmons, whom many refer to as one of “the gratitude experts.” As a professor at the University of California, Davis, …

Federal Grants: A Pre-Application Financial Checklist

Before you apply for a federal grant, you should determine whether your organization has the financial capability to use federal funds properly. A Financial Checklist… …to help you determine whether or not you are ready to apply for a federal grant. □ Has the IRS classified your organization as a tax-exempt entity? To apply for …

Training and Development: Differences and Priorities

It’s definitely who we are on this site: trainers and developers–or should we say development managers or counselors, or guidance counselors, leadership directors? I admit we don’t hear those terms often in business (depending on our business, of course), but we could very easily hear them in another context or organization that has the same …

Taking the Fall without becoming the “Fall Guy”

When leading Adaptive Change, you have the opportunity to design the journey initiated by Destabilizing Events so that you can reach the future you desire. Because the actual path you take is unknown and can’t be predicted your leadership provides direction but you cannot control the process. As each person, team, or division moves through …

Playstation Network Breach

Weak start to communications hinders crisis management Last week, Sony’s “Playstation Network” suffered one of the largest breaches of confidential user information in history. With over 75 million users affected, to say that Sony has a crisis management case on its hands would be an understatement. The electronics giant put itself in a bad place …