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Communicating Change: How You Can Make Change Work

Most leaders underestimate the importance of their ability, willingness, and visibility in communicating about change efforts. You can reinforce and support your people as they move through the change by avoiding these common mistakes, and by taking proactive steps to help lead the way.

5 Ways to Make Training Conferences Rock!

Innovate. Collaborate. Communicate. So they tell us. I’ve always thought the most valuable part of a conference was the networking and the contacts that I had made. I thought most of the sessions were poorly delivered or that would have been better as a handout or a well-written article or white paper. There are some …

Three Actions of Leaders

In Skills for Leading the Fall (May 11, 2011) I wrote about a learning cycle for leaders that has three components: Self-Awareness: Understanding the forces acting around you and within you, observing your behavior and using this to course correct. Self-Discipline: The discipline to be “who” you need to be at the moment to deliver …

What is the CFC and Where to Apply: The Nuts & Bolts

In workplace giving, workers solicit funds from their co-workers, and the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the Federal government’s workplace giving program. The CFC is a mandatory, completely voluntary program – and that’s not a contradiction. It is mandatory because every U.S. Federal agency in the world must conduct a CFC campaign between Sept. 1 …

Ignore the Bull and Get the Training Results

A great training package! This outside training group has a super online presence with an impressive list of companies, the right degrees (the right schools, too), tons of publications and pre-packaged training developed by someone else–experts, of course, and best of all–they are going to come in and tell you what they can do for …

Crisis on Stage

In the midst of a crisis, the spotlight’s on you Shakespeare penned the famous line, “all the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players,” in the year 1600, but it’s managed to remain quite relevant every since then. Major crises today present perhaps the biggest “stage” of all, as millions of …

Leadership Grace Part 2

Caren Hamilton & John Watkins share the second part of their blog on Leadership Grace. See last week’s post for part 1 ******************************** The Power of Leadership Grace There are different aspects of power that we have found help us to express and lead with grace. These surround our core and they are the energetic …

Finding Good Venture Ideas (part 2)

This blog was written by guest writer Jan Cohen. As we discussed last time, when most nonprofit staff and Boards think about earned income, they typically think about doing “something new”. This Risk Chart helps organizations to clearly see how risk increases as they go from “things and people they know” to those they have …

Busting Down the Obstacles to Growth

So your company is working hard, doing everything right, and it just isn’t growing fast enough. Well, there is the economy. The recession has slowed customer demand in most segments a lot. Still, excel in a recession and life should be even better when the economy picks up. So, the company has a competitive advantage …