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All’s Well at the Job Fair: Being Prepared for Success

What was I doing trolling the Recruit Military Opportunity Expo? It never hurts to see what is out there and to network. For me, I had a different plan, but the networking is always a good idea. I’m always open to new opportunities. You never know when a gem of an opportunity comes your way. …

p.s. I is for Immaculee

I’m compelled to add a p.s. to one of the people I highlighted earlier, Immaculee Illibagiza. (If you haven’t read that one yet, please do for more context on her. Click here.)A few weeks ago I had the privilege of learning from and meeting her when I went on a retreat in MN. She is …

Seven Steps To Guarantee Great Training Results

Can you actually guarantee training results? Can you? The simple answer is “Yes, you can.” Of course, if you aren’t very good, it’ll be a financial disaster–not to mention the people who lost the benefit of good training. Or, maybe you aren’t so bad, but the client is ruthless and found the loophole to not …

Life in the Vast Lane

I ran across a book some years ago by Bo Lozoff called “We’re all Doing Time”. Though written for prisoners to help them see how to use their jail time for spiritual growth, I found his book applied to many work situations. Far too many people feel trapped by their jobs, afraid to leave or …

Crisis Communication via Twitter

Keep it flowing both ways In the midst of using multiple media channels, it’s easy to get stuck in “transmit-only” mode, posting your own messages and not interacting with stakeholders. Doing this is a mistake though, especially when it comes time for crisis management. Instead, you should be striving to achieve as much two-way communication …

How Does a Young New, Supervisor Lead?

How do you supervise people who are more experienced than you? Many years ago I coached Kevin, a young manager who had just taken the reins of the facilities department of a major university. At his first staff meeting, with his much senior supervisors, he said: “As your manager, I’m here to help you be …

Netiquette (Part 2)

Communicating on the Internet is equivalent to having a face-to-face conversation with someone, except that your dialogue takes place over a network. Emailing, chatting, texting, tweeting, etc., has become a popular form of communication. You can have a conversation with anyone from anywhere and get up-to-date information on what is happening when and where at …

Connect Your Career With Your Personality

You know when you are in a job you like. You also know when the tasks you’re doing just aren’t right for you. What lies behind our feelings of job satisfaction or job dis-satisfaction are our fundamental work interests: Those are the things we enjoy doing, whatever the industry or the job title. One of …

Another Director of Development Who Isn’t

Had a “wrong number” phone call recently from a “Director of Development” of an organization based in my area who was trying to reach a totally different business. Even though I was not the intended recipient of the call, when the caller learned that I was a fundraising consultant, she thought that it was “kismet” …