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Netiquette (Part1)

Communicating on the Internet allows you to be part of a community and along with that stems network etiquette rules. Corresponding, writing, or having a conversation on the Internet is no different from having a face-to-face conversation with someone, except that your dialogue takes place over a network. Because a conversation takes place over a …

Almost Good Crisis Management

Good start, bad finish for TSA’s crisis management If you haven’t heard about the latest TSA debacle, the basics are that 24-year-old Olajide Oluwaseun was able to penetrate airport security at New York’s JFK International, including federal checkpoints, and board a Virgin America flight to LAX using an expired boarding pass belonging to somebody else. …

Training The Government Where the Buck Stops

As a customer service manager, I am called upon to train others on the subject. In my search for continuous learning, I happen to run across an article by Pivot Point Solutions, based on President Obama’s Executive Order to improve customer service. What a lot of people don’t know is that, although the Executive Order …

6 Tips to Delivering Customer Value

Leading your company had better not be like herding cats. How do you get everyone moving in the same direction, like a finely tuned machine? 1 – Ensure your folks know the direction. Sounds simple, but often this isn’t the case. We give our employees the mushroom treatment.. 2. Ensure the message on the company …

Financing Fantasy #1: Angel Investors

Everybody wants to be on the side of the angels. And while angel investors aren’t divine, many social enterprises labor under the mistaken assumption that they represent a ready source of capital. Unfortunately, very few social enterprises secure financing this way, and frankly, even if you could get such funds, in most cases they’re not …

L is for Love Luminaries

I just finished reading the book Love For No Reason: 7 Steps to Creating a Life of Unconditional Love by Marci Shimoff. She interviewed 100 amazing people she referred to as Love Luminaries. These are people who are the “leading lights or love celebrities” who are living love in the world. So many of their …

Fundraising for New Nonprofits

An email asked: “What advice is there for new nonprofits without a funding history? So many groups with a lot of potential just don’t know where to begin.” ============= The biggest mistake most new NPOs make is the assumption/belief that, because they want to do wonderful things, everyone (read: gov’t, corporations, foundations and “rich people”) …


I spent July 4th with my brother – an oil man his whole career. Over the weekend I got a lesson in hydrocarbon geology that seems useful for leaders. Geology of Talent It turns out that gas and oil doesn’t sit underground in huge lakes waiting to be pumped out. Who knew? I thought: dead …