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How We Learn–Six Points You Should Know

While I support the caveman theory of learning (the art of learning to survive anyway you can), I fully understand why the Greek and Roman philosophers and humanists of later years are given credit for at least the philosophy-based learning theory. And, the rest is important to see how we got where we are today. …

Take Responsibility

Honesty pays off in crisis management Following a crisis, many businesses try to paint nasty incidents in a brighter light. It’s a natural reaction, but it’s not the right one. In a Ragan.com article, marketing expert Dan Harvey gave some advice on how to do the responsible thing, and in the process keep your reputation …

Top Ten Tips for Becoming a Skilled Presenter

Skilled presenters have a sense of ease about them. You see it on their faces, in their gestures and body language, and hear it in their voices. Here is a list of the most important delivery skills to master. 1. Stand tall from the ribcage; this looks confident–strong yet relaxed. Keep your head straight but …

Guest Post: How Project Managers Can Manage Conflict

The following is a guest post by Susan Shearouse, author of Conflict 101. Early morning, the mists rising off the placid river, the crew racing in that long sleek boat, each team member pulling through the strokes in unison, the team leader sitting at the back calling commands. Ahhh, teamwork… What happens when the reality …

Value Chain Your Way To Profitability

Ultimately, success in business depends on finding your competitive advantage, which is to say that which makes you superior to your competitors and is perceived as valuable by your customers. One approach for figuring that out is through value chain analysis, as developed by Michael Porter. The value chain is a sequence of activities that …

Customer Service Answers You Can’t Do Without

Today’s customers are emotional and want to blame someone. We may not be able to fix the problem ourselves, but we can help; the big problem is getting them to listen. We know what makes great customer service. We know what keeps customers coming back. Unfortunately, it’s not one thing that matters in a tough …

Facebook Engagement Tactics

For Facebook engagement, like any other social networking site, one of your highest marketing priorities is connecting with your Target Audiences.

New! Social Enterprise Dining Map

Have you ever wondered: where’s the nearest SE restaurant? Or is there an SE cafe in a city you’re planning to visit? We often do, which is why the npEnterprise Forum created the first-ever Social Enterprise Dining Map. This map lists more than 50 social enterprise cafes, restaurants, coffee shops, and ice cream stores in …

Setting Your Highest Intention

I wrote a few weeks ago about a ceremony I did with an EcoShaman group to visualize the world we wanted to create. It was a full day of drumming, singing, chanting in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. Using American Indian hand drums, we sent our intent for a new world to be born, based …

Motivate Your Best People and Not Break the Bank

In an earlier post on employee motivation, I answered a manager’s question “How can I keep my employees motivated; I pay them decently?” Here are additional easy, inexpensive actions that managers can take that will bring smiles, good cheer and greater employee commitment to his or her job. These will motivate your best people and …