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When we first step out into the space of Adaptive Change, we are never sure what our experience will be. As we encounter Adaptive Strain, the red line of the organization, we experience Personal Strain, our personal red line. Personal Strain arises from the complex interactions between our emotions, feelings, attitudes, desires, and goals. We …

Don’t Wait Until Job Search, Think Resume In Everything You Do

When job seekers are developing their resumes, they have to identify what they are selling. In other words, what skills and experience do they bring to the employment table. Are their skills state-of-the-art and in great demand or are they rusty or too specialized to be sought after? How many are transferable to different positions, …

Are Major Gifts Annual Gifts ??

An email raised the question as to whether “Major Gifts” should be counted in the total for the “Annual Fund.” I can’t help it. I have to say it, “I really hate the term, ‘Annual Fund.’” (See: The Annual Fund Is Obsolete.) OK, now that I’ve gotten that off my chest…. By a literal definition, …

Coping with Tragedy

Shift attitudes to match the situation We primarily think of crisis communications in terms of events that happen to our business, things like lawsuits, faulty machinery, or employee unrest. When dealing with events such as violence or death in the workplace, however, it’s wise to slightly alter your approach. In a PR Daily article by …

Training To Prevent Cyber Attack

“No one felt safe from anyone anymore. Many more millions died as brother turned against brother in the War Against Terror, and countries turned within, no longer wanting anything to do with the rest of the world; their world was enough. Then the terrorists exacted their revenge and used the Internet, the one link some …

Showing Customer Love

If you are going to proclaim that you care, then you should truly demonstrate it. If you proclaim you care about showing customers love, then you’d bloody well better act like it. More damage is caused by not walking the talk. “Your Call is Very Important To Us”… Is it really? I have spent the …

N is for Henri Nouwen

It has been the interruptions of everyday life which have most revealed the divine mystery of which I am a part, all these interruptions presented themselves as opportunities to go beyond the normal patterns of daily life and find deeper connections than the previous safety of my physical, emotional and spiritual well being. – Henri …

Long Live HR

I read. I read a lot. I read a lot of books, blogs, magazines, whitepapers, and articles on a variety of topics related to HR, talent management, training and development, metrics, leadership, and management (I am sure there a few more I missed). I have read a million buzz words in the past several years and hundreds of works that discuss why HR will never have a seat at the table. In fact, I have written a few of these works myself. Recently, I keep reading and hearing a phase (you know all those free webinars which are really just audio white papers that allow for a few minutes of questions at the end) over and over.

Training Definitions and Terms

I said in my last article I would give you a few training definitions. Well, as you know, the internet is full of definitions. Below are some that best fit our purposes. I wish I could take credit for them but I can’t. Meanwhile, I think the definitions are simply put and easy to understand. …

Financing Fantasy #2: Venture Capital

At first blush, venture capital sounds appealing. In theory, they can provide us with that hunk of cash we need to launch our great idea, and then when we succeed they can make a decent return while we make a big difference in the world. We just need a business plan to show them how …