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M is for David McNalley

Living purposefully is what I think of when I think of our next feature, David McNalley. He encourages leaders and individuals in his business and books to discover their brands and live purposefully. TransForm, a company founded by David McNalley, knows only purposeful individual and leaders build inspired organizations and iconic brands. He has many …

Trainer as Leader: the Human Factor

It’s easy to think of the trainer as the leader–at least in the moment, but he or she is a leader in other ways, too–keyed to the human factor that makes the company work and its people resource rewarded and fulfilled. The trainer/leader listens to his audience and works with them. He or she teaches …

Putting Out Fires with Twitter

Extinguish customer concerns Citibank, like many others, was a victim of the recent flurry of computer hacking attacks that left customers confused and worried that their personal information and bank accounts were at risk. While several affected companies chose to focus on sending traditional paper mail statements regarding the attacks, Citibank went social, as described …

Training in The Art of Listening

As a speech coach and trainer, I talk about knowing your audience, knowing your subject and knowing yourself. Audience feedback is very important, but I think my colleague, Vasco Gaspar, who writes on Communicating Effectively in My Bright Child, is right in that not everyone listens as well as they should; and that includes the …

Employee Motivation: 7 Ways to Keep Your Staff Energized

Managers often ask, usually with exasperation, “How can I keep my employees motivated, and why do I have to worry about it? I pay them decently.” Offering competitive salaries is certainly important, but that’s what gets them in the door. What keeps them engaged and committed to your team or organization is more than money …

Top 5 Tips on Building an Excellent Team

All companies in an industry can use the same technologies, build the same buildings — so really the differentiating factor in business is the people in a company. Hiring, training and motivating employees is key to making your company distinctively superior. 1. Hiring. Be patient and hire the employees that are the best fit for …

Build Your Change Muscles! Build Your Career!

As the pace of change in the workplace continues to increase, managing the many disruptions in our lives is one of the most important tasks in managing our careers. The Challenge of Change Although we don’t always like to admit it, we seek and want control. We use our past experiences to establish expectations about …

Special Events: Cost Per Dollar Raised

A recent email asked: “Do you have an article or statement on what is the standard “special event fundraising equation” used to determine financial success? Obviously, one would set a goal, and if that goal is set, you have been successful. Raising awareness and “making friends” is priceless. But, is there a basic non-profit formula …

Lammas – The First Harvest

In various Celtic traditions Aug. 1st is celebrated as Lammas, a designation of the first harvest. This holiday marks the mid-point between the Summer Solstice and the Fall Equinox. Lammas is often symbolized by threshing wheat or baking loaves of bread. This day is also the Gaelic festival of Lughnasadh and the medieval Anglo-Saxon Feast …