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ABCs of Presenting- A Trainer Staple

The topics of Training and Development, and Communication are so intricately entwined that I can’t help myself talking about it. I argue that the basic communication process is not simple, but in concept it is really–and those who get the Primer embedded have the easiest time adding the complicated parts. Never say, “in other words.” …

Don’t Just Manage Your Time, Improve Your Productivity

Each of us has 24 hours every day. No matter how well we manage it, it still adds up to 24 hours. So, instead of managing time, we need to manage our activities – what we do in those 24 hours. In this post, I’ll focus on how to be more productive in the workplace. …

Climbing The Career Walls In Our Lives

We have all experienced walls or challenges in our lives. They may be personal; they may be professional; they may be both. No one is exempt from career challenge, disappointment and even failure. There are a variety of ways to attack these walls – some more effective than others. How you handle the walls can …

Is your SHRM membership on your resume?

Hopefully by now, you have heard or read enough advice to know that giving me your job description doesn’t tell me what I want to know. I need to know what did, how your did, what were you able to accomplish. I need verbs, actions, and results. Simple as that. Sure if you want to list on your resume that you were “employee of the month” that is great, but what I really care about is what you did to earn that recognition and why it was important in your role. If you can give me that in a concise way on your resume, even better. If not, I am going to ask you if you make it to the interview, so be prepared to give the details.

P is for Paula Huston

I recommend to you holy simplicity. – St. Francis de Sales Paula Huston – an author, professor, wife and mother – wrote the book The Holy Way: Practices for a Simple Life from her experience trying to simplify her life so that she could bring more meaning, peace and spirituality to her life. I enjoyed …

Defining, Accepting and Training “Innovation,” Part Two

“We talk about innovation constantly, but step outside the chain of command and you get your hand slapped with the reminder that ‘You can’t understand the politics involved.’ The key to innovation is really believing that everyone has a worthwhile perspective — not saying it, but meaning it.” The quote above from a member of …