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T is for James Twyman

Peace pilgrimage He is referred to as the Peace Troubadour, who is passionate about spreading peace throughout the world. In fact just now he is in Assisi hoping to create a wave of peace from the little towns that Saint Francis found famous. He shared how the leaders of the major religions of the world …

Hybrid or “Blended” Education – After Week One

“Why is that, do you think,” I ask my students, “we say blended instead of hybrid here? Usually the first thing a teacher, an instructor, a professor or a trainer does is write the class a welcome letter. I have just had my second class with two classes in different locations. One class is urban …

New! Social Enterprise Shopping Guide

Have you ever gone online to order something and then wondered if you could buy it from a social enterprise? We often have, which is why the npEnterprise Forum created the Social Enterprise Shopping Guide. Support the SE sector while shopping online! Here’s the web address for the Guide: http://bit.ly/qsDUzN

Real Crisis Management

Fictional story stirs discussion “Margin Call” is a new film that aims to recreate the rapid fire nature of today’s crisis management. While it misses the mark in terms of reality, especially in the ethics department, it does open up avenues for discussion of real world crisis management. Forbes business writer Coeli Carr took this …

Quick Tips for Consulting to Small Organizations

There’s a lot of money available to help small businesses, and it seems like there’ll be more available as we work to make more jobs. So OD in small businesses might be even more worthwhile. About half of our clients are small organizations. My experience of the differences of between OD in small and large …

Question Marketing

A compelling list of 30 provocative questions companies ought to ask about their marketing, and aspiring marketers ought to consider before deciding on a career path.

Charter for Compassion

I subscribe to a wonderful little journal called Sacred Journey. In their winter 2010 edition, they published a “Charter for Compassion” that was developed in 2009 by religious leaders around the world. In reading it, I felt there were parts that could apply to our work. Many teams create team charters for how they will …

Is Conflict at Work Good or Bad?

Conflict is an inevitable part of life. Conflict is inherent in our differences—in people’s differing backgrounds, perspectives, values, needs, goals, expectations, etc. Here are some common, yet erroneous, beliefs about conflict. Myth #1: We tend to think that disagreements and conflicts must always be win / lose situations. “If I don’t win, I lose and …

Getting That Next Promotion

I do my job faithfully every day and I do it very well. Why is it then I’ve been in the same position for 3 years while others have been promoted? This is a question from Sharon, a junior accountant at a financial service company. In growing my career and now coaching others, I know …

Nonprofit Boards: Directors vs Trustees

When I began my career in development, over 30 years ago, the certificate program that provided my initial training emphasized that Board Members of NPOs are Trustees, not Directors. The rationale was that, unlike a for-profit corporation where Directors could be compensated and often were involved with directing aspects of corporate operation, Board Members of …