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Spiritual approach to Economic future

I saw a post this week with the song lyric that many of you will remember, “There’s something happening here. What it is ain’t exactly clear”** The recent Occupy Wall Street movement raises complex ethical and spiritual questions regarding our global economic system. It’s not clear what needs to happen next to fix our global …

Strategic Planning Primer

When developing strategy, managers are often called upon to interview executives and other managers on a variety of issues facing an organization. Questions often arise concerning the organization’s vision, or its critical success factors, or key strategies, objectives or goals. “What is a strategy? How does it differ from a goal or an objective? How …

Questions From A New Executive Director/Founder

I do know at least one person who has been the chair of a board for over 20 years (a big organization). Is that unusual? It is an extremely unhealthy situation, but is not unusual for an NPO that never grew up. I’d expect that the same people are doing the same things they’ve done, …

Career Trends: What You Need to Know So You Wont Be Left Behind

Welcome to the new world of work! Whether you’re just starting out, on the way to climbing that ladder of success or looking for a new job or opportunity, here are three trends from JobMob as well as tips to adapt so you won’t be left behind. 1. Out: The Traditional Career. In: Multiple Careers/Multiple …

Fundraising Consultants & Credibility: Some Thoughts

This is a follow-up to an earlier posting – see: Who/What is a Fundraising Consultant? Sometimes a client will accept as gospel every bit of advice/direction that a fundraising consultant provides. Sometimes everything the consultant advises/suggests is questioned. I’ve worked with organizations/institutions that fit each category, and of course I prefer working with the former …

Don’t Piss off the Press!

Treat the media right In the world of crisis management and public relations, the media is a double-edged sword. With the right treatment, you can turn the media into your greatest tool and ally. Piss them off, though, and you’ll have a monster on your hands. In order to help prevent that, here’s a list …

Flipping Classrooms: New Look for Experiential Training

Taking advantage of technology, a teacher in Potomac, Maryland conducts her Advanced Placement Calculus class a little differently. In fact she has turned the traditional method on its head by having her students view her lectures via podcast and bring their homework to school. This has phenomenal applications for experiential training. According to Gregg Toppo …

Free Team Building Activity: Group Development

GROUP DEVELOPMENT Below is an idea for a team building activity focusing on the what happens when new members join a team. Learning Objectives 1. To experience the process and feelings that arise when a new member joins an ongoing group with defined tasks and roles; 2. To explore the coping mechanisms adopted by the …

Spiritual Menu Planning

FYI: I’m breaking for a bit from my A-Z case study to share with you this article by Laura Lambert that I recently came across. The idea of spiritual menu planning intrigued me as I hope it does you. I’m part of a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group and this comes from another MOPS member …

If You’ve Met One Type of Grant, You’ve Met Them All

Not Exactly… There are a variety of grants available, but they’re not all the same. Sure, the basic proposal stuff will be the same: organization information, mission, history, and general agency overview, but the guts of these proposals may differ significantly. Program/Project Support Grants • The most common type of foundation grant, and funded by …