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V is for V. J. Smith

Some of our lives are meant to be a living example of spirituality. Some of us are meant to witness other people’s lives as a living spiritual example and learn from that. Either way, it takes an open heart and eyes to see how different people’s lives can impact ours. I struggled finding a V …

Hello my name is….How to Introduce a Speaker

So it is your turn to introduce the speaker before your next meeting. Here are some pointers to make sure you create a warm welcome: Prepare: Ask the speaker for information well ahead of time. They may provide you with a bio or even a prepared introduction. Read it ahead of time and edit it …

Directory of Social Enterprise Directories

One sign that the social enterprise field is maturing is the emergence of guides and directories. And one sign that the field has a ways to go is a lack of consistency in how to define social enterprise (if they define it at all) or what information they present about each listing. But now there …

Staying Visible To Your CFC Donors … And To Everyone Else

While the Internet has not changed “everything,” it has changed how we shop, how we get directions, and most relevant to the CFC … and all nonprofit fundraising, it has changed where we get our news and information. And even though video is an increasingly important method of sharing information, the written word is how …

Case Study: Value Chain Improves Profitability

In a previous blog, I described “value chain” analysis, which is an analytical technique designed by Michael Porter to evaluate the sequence of business activities to improve profitability. Those five areas are: inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing & sales, and service. That leads to a review of cost advantages and areas of differentiation for …

Checking your Ego

An important spiritual practice at work involves paying attention to when your personal agenda or ego gets in the way of making a relationship work smoothly. Way too many team conflicts and bad decisions happen due to egos and personal agendas. I like the corporate culture of Southwest Airlines that supports people taking their job …

Accountability: Do Employees Do What They’re Suppose to Do?

“When I gave them their marching orders and they were nodding their heads, I figured they knew what to do and were going to do it.” I recently heard this from a health care manager who was not too happy when the project got behind schedule and the blame game took over. Managers can’t mandate …

USAJobs Controversy

Sparks fly over broken site As the technical problems plaguing the new USAJobs website continue into a third week, Sen. John Kerry ( D-Mass.), called on Federal Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel to intervene and to consider putting the website operation out for competitive bid. The federal job search Web portal, which is the third …

Career Satisfaction: You Don’t Have to Leave “Home”

“I love the company, the culture, and the people. The problem is that I’m bored in my current job. Things are too predictable, and you’re not challenged in the way that you used to be. You’re thinking of looking elsewhere.” Finding a new position within your organization may be easier than searching for a new …