Mindfulness Practice- Creating Peace at Work


I was fortunate enough to attend a program by Thich Nhat Hanh recently. He is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk who has been teaching about mindfulness and peace for over 50 years. I was first influenced by his writing in the 80’s when I read his book, Being Peace. He writes that we must create peace in our own life, in our own small ways, to create peace in the world. Mindfulness is the path for such peace.

Peace is every step throughout our day. Peace is not a place outside us, it is within us. Your thoughts, words and deeds create peace or strife. Regardless of the work you accomplish, you bring your being-ness to each situation. Peace at work is created by your presence. How you show up at work is up to you.

Mindfulness of your breath, your walking, your talking all brings you back to your own state of being. You live in the now moment rather than in your to-do lists, worries, what ifs, or regrets. Mindfulness brings greater awareness, focus, and acceptance. It allows you to immerse yourself fully in life rather than deny, push away, or struggle against what is.

When you feel stressed, uncomfortable, overwhelmed, disappointed, simply bring your attention back to your breath. Be mindful of how you are feeling physically, mentally and emotionally and welcome that state of being. No struggle or judgment, just being. Simply notice what comes up for you and breath into any disharmony you feel.

Mindfulness Practice

When you are stopped at a red light driving to work, focus on your breath. Breathe in peace and harmony. Breathe out compassion and caring. Breathing-in harmony, breathing-out compassion…… ‘I am harmony, I am compassion’….. Do this three times every time you are stopped at a red light on your way to or from work. Do this meditation before you answer your phone today. Check-in with yourself throughout your day and pay attention to whatever comes up for you.

We create our world from the inside out. What world are you creating today?


For more resources, see our Library topic Spirituality in the Workplace.


Linda is an author, speaker, coach, and consultant. Go to her website www.lindajferguson.com to read more about her work, view video clips of her talks, and find out more about her book “Path for Greatness: Spirituality at Work” The paperback version is available on Amazon. The pdf version of Path for Greatness is available for download from her website. ALSO, Linda’s new book, “Staying Grounded in Shifting Sand” is now available on her website.

Is Your Nonprofit’s Website “Converting”?

Guest Post by: Shawn Kendrick

Does your website perform up to its potential in terms of bringing in volunteers and donations?

Consider these statistics:

According to Google, each month there are 368,000 searches for the term “nonprofit organizations” in the United States. The phrase “volunteer opportunities” yields 201,000 searches a month. There are 5400 searches a month for people looking for “charities to donate to.”

Even when you narrow the searches geographically, the results are still impressive. For instance, the term “volunteer Cleveland” yields 2900 searches a month, while “volunteer opportunities in Chicago” produces 5400. Clearly folks are using the internet to find organizations worthy of their time and money. But is your website working hard enough to get in front of them — and is it converting viewers into donors and volunteers?

Know where you stand

Before you do anything else, evaluate your website’s current effectiveness by tracking the traffic it’s seeing. Without establishing some benchmarks, you simply won’t know where to start. Most reputable hosting providers include some sort of stats tracking program. Many use AWStats, a great program that gives details such as unique viewers, total visits, and hit totals. With this plug-in, you can also see what days and times your site is generating most of its traffic. In addition, you’ll know which searches and external links are sending visitors your way. If your provider doesn’t offer this program, ask. It’s free and should be very easy for them to install. If you want to go the do-it-yourself route, then check out Google Analytics. Just cut and paste the code into your site, and this program will give you all of the above features and more. Like most things Google offers, it’s free and high quality.

Is the traffic there?

Now you can make a judgment as to how you want to handle your scenario. If you find that you aren’t getting much traffic, then the next course of action would be to promote your website more heavily. Make sure your URL is on all marketing materials, email signatures, business cards, blogs, newsletters, et cetera. You may also want to consider having the site optimized for the search engines. This process of basing your site’s text and HTML code on keywords works best if performed by a professional. However, it’s often worth the price of admission, since optimization can move your site up search engine rankings very quickly.

Focus on the bottom line

If you see that you’re getting a good amount of traffic, it’s time to focus on your actual conversion rate. In the business world, the most important statistic is the percentage of traffic that resulted in a sale. If you had 1000 visitors and 10 of them bought something, then you are at one percent. Of course, nonprofits aren’t selling products, but you could easily set up other indicators, such as the percentage of visitors who made a donation or signed up for a volunteer opportunity. To a lesser degree, quantifying how many visitors signed up for a newsletter or requested more information as a percent would also have some merit.

What is an acceptable conversion rate? That’s a tough question to answer. In business, most direct mail yields a conversion rate between one and three percent. Some internet marketers feel this is a fair goal for a website, too, while others contend that it should be closer to the 10 percent mark. For nonprofits it may be wise to work the equation backward. For instance, if all the associated costs for your website is $100 a month, and we know a volunteer’s time is worth $20 an hour and the typical volunteer puts in 2 hours a month, then getting three volunteers a month would put you $20 on the plus side.

Be open to change

If you find that you aren’t reaching your conversion goals despite having enough traffic, you may need to take a look a critical look at your site. Make sure the website design looks professional. People want to help out organizations that appear to have their house in order. A shoddy-looking website gives the appearance that corners are being cut. And if you want someone to donate or volunteer, say so. Don’t be shy. Place your call to action prominently on the front page. Moreover, don’t trust that viewers will navigate their way to signing up for anything. Instead, put a link or button right there on the front page that leads them immediately to registering for a volunteer opportunity or donating to your cause. Last, but certainly not least, also make sure contact information is prevalent and easy to locate.

The internet is a powerful way to market your organization, so capitalize on getting the most out of your online presence. The most direct path to getting a good conversion rate is to create a site that is attractive, easily found on the internet, and user-friendly. These three pieces provide a solid foundation for the final and key ingredient: the prominent display of buttons or links that seamlessly guide users toward your goal… getting them actively involved with your mission.


For more resources, see our Library topics Marketing and Social Networking.


ABOUT Shawn Kendrick

Shawn Kendrick writes for VolunteerHub.com and holds an MBA from Ohio Dominican University. VolunteerHub is a cloud-based software that enables online volunteer management. The software helps nonprofit organizations to simplify the entire volunteer management process, including scheduling, registration, hour tracking, and recruitment. Nonprofit organizations can try VolunteerHub for free for 30 days by visiting: http://www.volunteerhub.com/free-trial

After The Campaign Is Over…


An email indicated that “Our capital campaign has concluded. We’ve reached our goal, but we still have some prospects that have not been met/solicited and we have identified additional capital needs. We’re also looking at creation of a major gifts program.”
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
If you’ve just declared success/completion of the campaign, I assume that:

• Your major donors have gotten good visibility;
• All donors have been thanked/treated well;
• You have engendered lots of good feeling among staff and volunteers; and,
• The success of the campaign and the resulting benefit to your organization
   and its constituents has gotten some good press.

If my assumptions are correct, this would be a good time to institute a series of small (non-announced/non-public) mini-capital campaigns.

Target a small number of prospects for each capital need. Use a small number of volunteers — hopefully those who have achieved some success working for the just concluded campaign — or some of those who were major donors to that campaign. And, define a limited timeframe for each mini-campaign.

Give the appropriate publicity/thanks/stewardship to the leaders of and donors to each of those mini-efforts, at the completion of each.

Immediate prospects would be the folks who were identified as likely major donors to the capital campaign but who either couldn’t commit at the time or were not solicited for the campaign.

Since the people who were major donors to the campaign will likely be paying off their campaign commitment over a number of years, that will get many of them in the habit of giving more, on a regular basis, than they did before the campaign.

Then, once they’ve completed their pledge payments, and they’ve gotten comfortable with the concept of making major gifts, there’s a good chance they can be “encouraged” to continue giving at the “campaign” level.

Another part of the preparation for a capital campaign is the design/creation of a program for the recognition of the leaders of and donors to the campaign. A similar effort must precede a major gifts program.

A major gifts program is based upon some considerations/factors that are different from those of a capital campaign. And, the transition from a capital campaign to a major gifts program is not as smooth as it might appear on the surface.

Another part of the preparation for a capital campaign is the design/creation of a program for the recognition of the leaders of and donors to the campaign. A similar effort must precede a major gifts program.

(See: Fundraising For Nonprofits: Major Gifts)

Have a comment or a question about starting, evaluating or expanding your fundraising program? With over 30 years of counseling in major gifts, capital campaigns, bequest programs and the planning studies to precede these three, I’ll be pleased to answer your questions. Contact me at AskHank@Major-Capital-Giving.com
Have you seen The Fundraising Series of ebooks ??
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