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Applying for The CFC — National & International Nonprofits

The Combined Federal Campaign for the 2012 solicitation season begins on September 1, 2012 and runs through December 15, 2012. For national and international charities, regardless of whether they are members of a federation or an independent charity, the deadline for all application materials is Tuesday, January 17, 2012 by 5pm (EST) and applications later …

Basic Guidelines for Evaluating Action Learning and Coaching Groups

It’s very useful to conduct relevant and realistic evaluations of a group coaching or Action Learning program that is assigned to address a current, major “problem,” or priority, in life or the workplace. It’s best to even create an evaluation plan — ideally before the group(s) even get started — and to have the plan …

Performance Management: How To Do It Right

As a manager, it is your job to ensure that the work gets done right, on time and on budget. If not, then you must correct the situation first coaching and then with discipline. That may seem to you a time-consuming, unpleasant task but it’s part of your responsibility as a manager. If you don’t, …

Metrics of Meaning

An old business maxim is “What gets measured gets rewarded. What gets rewarded gets repeated.” It’s worth taking some time to stop and reflect on what you are measuring in your work and life. Think of this exercise as an end-of-year inventory of your inner world, your spiritual supplies. Items you could include in your …

10 Job Stress Tips

Life’s little hassles mount up until you say to yourself, “If one more thing goes wrong today, I’ll explode.” Stress. Pressure. Anxiety. Tension. Whatever you call it, there is no shortage of it in today’s fast-paced workplace. Can we totally eliminate them? No. The trick is to manage the stress versus being overwhelmed by it. …

Can A Donor Demand That She Get Her Donation Back?

A reader wrote: “I know of an organization where the donor gave restricted funds, i.e., funds specified for a certain program, that the nonprofit agreed to. “The nonprofit has been giving regular reports to the donor, along with achieved outcomes, but the donor suddenly insists that she wants all of her money back. “I’ve never …

What is an SOP?

A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) contains a list of steps or directions to follow for accomplishing a particular task. It is a set of approved guidelines consisting of steps that have to be followed from inception to completion. Having an SOP standardizes tasks and eliminates confusion about particular tasks. Up front, an SOP contains the …

You Have to Know When to FREAK OUT

However, the most important message he sent, “When the store employees fail to do this one thing (insert most important loss prevention topic), FREAK OUT; but don’t FREAK OUT all the time. Only on the big stuff.”

Consultant — What’s Your Natural Approach to Gathering and Processing Information?

In a project, whether you are conducting a formal, systematic assessment or just doing a rather informal assessment, your natural approach to gathering and processing information will influence how you work. The Myers-Briggs folks provide some useful dimensions to consider. (Myers-Briggs is a registered trademark of Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc.), Intuitive Versus Sensing Approaches to …