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Technical Writers = Business Analysts = Usability Expert

I am seeing a trend here, where TW=BA=UX. Multitalented Technical Writers are now becoming more involved within organizations. They must know the business as well as a Business Analysts, and they are also becoming our Usability Experts. They are a versatile, adaptable, resourceful group of writers, mainly because their function is in knowledge transfer. They …

PART III-Twelve Lessons I Learned (or Re-Learned) This Year

HR is full of different roles and responsibilities and there are a ton of buzzwords that we love to throw around in organizations. We also love to use creative titles for people in HR. Companies do this for a variety of reasons, but mostly is a marketing campaign. We need some good marketing in HR, but we also need to realize the best marketing is providing a service that people want and need. Results happen and a key to HR success is tying all that activity we do to business impact. Below are some of lessons I was reminded of this year tied to the importance of HR and what we do. There a few buzzwords and rhymes thrown in for fun.

From A-Z What God Is

The entry is a perfect transition that links my last series, with the A-Z theme, along with my new upcoming series focused on growing closer with God. The idea for this poem and some of the names of God were inspired from one of my son’s lessons in his family formation program from our church. …

Avoid That Creep

Our topic today has nothing to do with an eccentric or detestable person, happily. Although some project managers may not agree, a more prevalent pest to be avoided in projects is “scope creep”: additional scope that creeps in, without anyone in the project team noticing. Before you know it, there is an expectation that the …

State of Social Enterprise: 2012

Following President Obama’s State of the Union speech last week, we thought this would be a good time to evaluate the state of the social enterprise sector. So here is the npEnterprise Forum’s official, revised* State of the SE Sector 2012 address. Emerging Private Sector SEs Private sector SEs are now gaining momentum and recognition. …

Define Your Goals for Social Media

What do you want out of social media? Every successful voyage needs a defined goal that justifies the inherent risks. Similarly, when embarking on using social media to bolster crisis management, your organization must establish specific goals. These goals can be social, economic and political in nature. In the course of our practice we have …

Going Over The Head Of A Foundation Program Officer

Recently, a disgruntled grant seeker I know told me that he was so upset with what he said was a “blatant” turndown from a foundation Program Officer that he was going to go over that official’s head to appeal to a board member of the foundation — someone whom he knows. My immediate reaction was …

Understanding Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty is basically a scenario whereby a customer will always choose one brand over another – not because of price, not because of convenience but because of fostered loyalty to your brand.

Basic Modes and Formats of Coaching

One of the advantages of the coaching process is that it can be done in a wide variety of formats and still retain its powerful benefits. In this article, we acquaint the reader with the basic formats in which coaching can be done. We use the term “format” to refer to the physical configuration or …