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10 Ways to Ruin Your Company’s Communications Efforts

A client contact passed this excellent article on to us, and author Lisa Lochridge, Director of Public Affairs for the Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association, was kind enough to allow us to reprint it for you. 10 ways to ruin your company’s communications efforts Rather than propose some resolutions for communicating well in 2012, I …

Don’t Let Your Grant Proposal Time Slip Away!

One of the most precious commodities in any government grant proposal effort is the amount of time you have to conceptualize, develop, produce, and deliver your proposal. For many nonprofit organizations, time slips away too easily. Phases of Grant Proposal Development There is a good four-phase rule-of-thumb that can be applied to grants, each phase …

When Times Are Tough What Do You Do?

Our company is going through some hard times because of the economic uncertainty. We are tightening our belt and trying not to lay off our folks, but we may be forced to. How do we make the best of a bad time for our business? It is easier to be open with employees when the …

Practical Tips for Presenting to the Board

Boardroom presentations are an important part of every senior executive’s personal and professional development. Following the 10 tips outlined below will help you to present like an experienced professional and help your board to make the best and most appropriate decisions following your presentations. It is far easier to progress your career when you are …

Are You About To Lose Your Job?

I’m starting to see and hear things that make you wonder. Am I about to be let go? Should I start looking for another job fast? Or should I hold on and hope it won’t happen? That was a call from Jack who had attended my presentation “Career Power: How to Build !t Keep It!” …

Social Media and You

More than ever, your reputation relies on social media At a time when 89 percent of consumers say they find online channels trustworthy sources for product and service reviews, new Cone research reveals four-out-of-five consumers have changed their minds about a recommended purchase based solely on negative information they found online. This is up from …

Step Up and Step Out

I wrote my first book, Path for Greatness: Work as Spiritual Service, to support people who want to integrate their spiritual life with their work life. On my book tours, I heard wonderful and amazing stories of people who were able to work spiritually. They were authentically present at work- mind, body and spirit. Others …

Looking Forward: Major Gifts In The New Year

Responsible planning, in any economy, involves identifying sources of funding sufficient to ensure continuation/survival of the programs that satisfy the needs of the people and the communities you serve. Ensuring the funding of your programs requires that you minimize the risk of (again?) losing a large percentage of your income. According to “Giving USA 2011,” …

Communicating in Crisis

Can you survive a crisis? Every single business has potential problems, and the difference between whether they sink or swim in the aftermath of a crisis can often be determined in the critical 24 hour period right after it breaks. On March 1, Jonathan Bernstein will present, “Communicating in Crisis: The First 24 Hours,” a …