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Listening for a Crisis

[Editors’ Note: We’re pleased to bring you this guest blog post by Bernstein Crisis Management contractor Chris Syme, excerpted from her new book.] Keep your ear to the ground, and catch crises early One of the best ways to avert a listening for a crisis is to see one coming and be proactive. Savvy crisis …

A Global Technical Writer

With social media connecting us to more people globally, technical writing was sure to follow the same path. What does it take to be a global technical writer? How much the global clients need and what they need has to be clearly defined. The key will be in understanding the local culture and language. But …

3 Criteria to Correctly Classify Employees by Dominique Molina

When your business grows to the point where you need to start hiring people to work for you, you know you’re doing well. It means you’re growing, and it’s a big step forward in terms of just how successful your business can be.
It also means you need to spend some time figuring out exactly what those employees are going to do, and how they’re going to do it. Do you need part-time employees? Full-time? Do you need occasional help? How you answer those questions will help determine how those employees are classified.

Flapping of the Wings

Soon after arriving at the beautiful Johnson Lake Home (our retreat center) on Lake George in the northern woods of Minnesota, I felt drawn to go down to the lake. The stillness of the lake was breath-taking along with the reflection of the clouds and trees in the water. We were in awe that the …

John Kremer: Marketing Magician

One of the world’s foremost marketers is John Kremer. An Internet authority and award-winning author he understands, and consistently implements, cutting-edge strategies.

More Military Crisis Management

Newly surfaced photos bring reputation damage More damaging photographs of U.S. soliders surfaced last week, hot on the heels of the controversial Marine “SS” flag picture crisis. This time, the photos depicted soldiers in what they apparently thought were comedic poses with dead Afgan insurgents. How did the public come to see these pictures at …

Your Best Foundation Funder is not your Best Funder Forever

Just as grade school friendships don’t usually last forever, neither do relationships between nonprofit organizations and their foundation funders. Most grant makers don’t want to provide ongoing operating support; i.e. – they don’t want to be your BFF (Best Funder Forever). Many foundations don’t make grants to the same organization every year. They may allow …

25 Ways to Develop Your Stars and Keep Them!

Do you have exceptional performers on your team? If you do, it can be a wonderful gift to have people who you can count on to get the right results; who thins about what else needs to be done without being told; who are always asking to do more. You Don’t Want to Lose Them! …

Cherish Dear Colleagues

I recently received an email from my mom saying a dear colleague of hers had a heart attack and was in failing health. I was truly saddened by this news. This woman had become an aunt of sorts; she was a long-time family friend, having worked with my mom for more than 30 years. It …

Four Career Challenges That Can Bring Your Down!

Let’s admit it – most of us are on cruise control! Then suddenly we realize our career may be in jeopardy. All of a sudden we’re scrambling to do something fast! The Solution: Pay attention to these four situations that can put you in the “hot seat” and your career in a potential down spiral. …