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Moving to a New job or Company? Do It Right!

Don’t say hello to your new job until you say a warm good bye to your old one. There’s a lot to think about when you change jobs whether it’s because of a promotion, or a department change, or a move to a new organization. It’s an exciting time, but what can you do to …

Technical Writing And Work Instructions

We are all always learning and thinking. I came across a new expression and/or synonym for Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that Technical Writers create that I was not familiar with. It’s called Work Instructions (WI) or Job Instructions (JI), and I thought I would give a short post on this newly discovered item. In a …

Just 3 Rules

One of the most business applicable concepts from the science of complex adaptive systems is that of emergence – the way a chaordic system produces order from apparent chaos. An example of this is the movement of a flock of birds or a school of fish. For a dramatic view of starlings flocking, watch www.vimeo.com/31158841. …

Special Events: Two Perspectives

(A Pair of Postings from two of this blog’s regular contributors) Fund-Raisers are not Friend-Raisers by Tony Poderis. I have always held that special event fund-raisers must/should be just that, fund-raisers, not friend-raisers. There may be exceptions, but we cannot count on the exception for successful fund-raising. To my way of thinking, it is poor …