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Tis the Busiest Time of the Year

Are you ready for the December rush? As ready as you should be? This is an important time of year for nonprofits as well as individuals and it needs focused attention on soooo many things. There are year-end programming events and fundraising things to do. But you can always do more. There are some easy things to do that may just go a long way.

High Marks for Bloomberg on Sandy Crisis Management

Helping New York weather the storm New Yorkers are no strangers to crisis, but Hurricane Sandy truly put the city’s crisis management skills to the test. Mayor Michael Bloomberg was at the helm, and faced close scrutiny regarding his handling of the entire situation. The verdict? The veteran mayor turned in a powerful performance, navigating …

A Best Practice: Four Traits You Have to Train In-House

The “four traits” are quite simple and probably unbelievable, but please hear me out. Here’s the rundown: Train your people to be kind. Train your people to be honorable. Train your people to be fair. Train your peope to be honest and trustworthy.   These may seem to be no-brainers, but today aggressive sales doesn’t …

Yahoo! Tackles Crisis Management

Compassionate and conscientious email staves off reputation crisis In a recent article on the Bernstein Crisis Management blog, we discussed a crisis management email from Twitter that was missing a core component – compassion. Now, we’d like to show you an example of a company absolutely nailing it that was brought to our attention by …

Employee Retention: How Do We Motivate Good but Jaded Old-Timers

“I have over 100 staff nurses and one-third have been here longer than 10 years! This is a stressful environment with long hours and lots of overtime. I need something other than salary increases to hold them here and that they won’t think is stupid or useless.” Retention of specialized talent in a price-competitive market …

“Crossing the River” – My favorite team building activity

Every trainer and facilitator has his/her favorite team building activity. Some facilitators like the more active interventions such as rope courses; others prefer the more “touchy-feely” ones like trust walks; still others like using blind-folded instruction, or simulations like Gold of the Desert Kings. Of course the most appropriate team building activity for a group …

U is for Unique

Think back to that U is for Unique the advice you received before you delivered your very first presentation. Your supervisor probably said; “There is nothing to it. Just get up there and be yourself.” That was actually pretty good advice, but you might have discounted it because it sounded so obvious, and because it …

Program Or Project ?

When an organization has the function of deploying multiple initiatives, the question arises: should these be managed as projects? Or should program management enter the picture? If there is an obvious way in which the projects are related, we may opt for program management straightaway. For example: if our organization deploys a few projects per …

Why I Hate the Elevator Speech

There are career centers and networking groups all over advising us to perfect our elevator speech. Armed with this advice, many get busy writing and practicing (well, maybe practicing) their 30 or 45 or 60 second commercial. Once the speech is perfected off you go to your networking event, conference or career fair ready to make connections.