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Naming Opportunities – The Basics

Every nonprofit must have its own set of policies that cover all areas of service and operation; and, those policies must be written based on the circumstances and needs of that organization. First, you need to have policies in place to “regulate” what your organization will do with all gifts – cash, stock, in-kind, bequests, …

What Are Functional Specifications

Functional Specifications (based on the Requirement Specifications) describe how something works; what the user will see, what the application will offer, what the finished product will present. The Functional Specifications are written for the manager/supervisor, describing how the application works based on the Requirements document. The Functional Specifications (usually created after the Technical Specifications) can …

Calm Yourself Through Crisis

It takes a healthy mind to navigate crisis management Our brains do not operate well under stress. Have you had mundane experiences like this? It’s your turn in the hot seat during a board game, and that answer that should be so simple just won’t come to mind until time is up. Or how about …

Why Participate in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)

I’d like to share with you why, from my perspective, the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the most donor friendly means for a Federal public servant to contribute to the charities they care about. Most of us play multiple roles, and this applies to our charitable donation world as well. In a CFC campaign, each …

Staffing: 20 Great Interviewing Questions

Asking questions prompts answers. Asking great questions can result in great information about a potential job seeker’s qualifications. Here are a list of questions to ask to find out more about the person and to determine how good a match there is between the individual and the job. Warm-Up Questions Tell me about yourself. What …

Engagement Strategies: Rotating Flipchart Review

Facilitators often use breakout groups to increase involvement and get more done in a short amount of time. However, following breakout groups, there is typically a report-back process. During the report-back, each team presents its results to the other teams. Yet, one of the challenges with the standard report-back process is that people generally are …

Hiding Major Donors’ Names From Funders

The other day I came across yet another instance of a non-profit’s leadership huffing and puffing about a potential funder’s request for the names of their top ten individual donors to support the organization’s contribution request proposal. “Our policy,” the non-profit said, “is that we do not share such information.” It seems to me that …