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10 Myths About Boards of Directors

There are numerous myths that seem to persist about Boards of Directors. Here’s a list of 10 of them. Myth –The phrase “corporate Boards” conventionally refers to statutory, for-profit Boards. However, statutory nonprofit Boards are Boards of a corporation, too, so they’re both “corporate Boards.” Myth — A Board of Directors can delegate its fiduciary …

How to Train the Young of Today and Tomorrow

I never thought I’d admit to this, but I have discovered this, believe it or not, in the college English writing class that I teach. It is almost as if the students don’t have a real sense of the past. They cling to the here and now that technology is what makes life civilized and …

Subliminal Training

I can remember when “subliminal” was the buzz word going around town. Anyone sitting in a theatre or watching television was going to go do outrageous things because of the subliminal messages hidden on the screen of either medium. It could be a useful tool in training come to think about it. So does mind-reading, …

Staffing: Do We Have The Right Number of Employees?

Our organization continues to downsize. We are getting a lot of “flack” from our managers saying there are not enough qualified employees to do the work in their department and everyone is overwhelmed and grumbling. Are they right or are they lobbying to prevent additional layoffs? Here are some examples why they may, indeed be …

Social Media Throwdown: Netflix v. SEC

Crisis management for a clash of modern vs. traditional communication While the rest of the business world has boarded the social media train, an incident earlier this month involving Netflix CEO Reed Hastings brought to light an important question: How do you avoid having your social media communications run afoul of regulatory bodies that are …

What’s Important to an Employer?

Experience of course. So is loyalty, dedication and a strong work ethic. However, none of these alone is enough to ensure your job security – that you continue to be employed in the future. You must add value. That means what you do contributes specifically to your organization’s bottom line. After all, you can work …

Happy New Year

I have always loved the coming of the new year. This time of year has always reminded me to take time to reflect on what has happened and prepare for the what is to come. This is an often missed step along our busy paths to and quest to accomplish so much during a year. However, reflection should be a regular habit in our days. Our busy lives and ever connectedness to everyone and everything often stifle our ability for this.

Centers for Spiritual Living – Part 2

This post is part 2 of Crystal Davis’ guest blog based on her dissertation on Servant Leadership in a spiritual organization. Ms. Davis is passionately engaged in Servant Leadership and selfless service to the nonprofit and public sectors having served both large and small organizations throughout her career and her consulting business. **************** I decided …

Tips on Building Relationships with Evaluation Stakeholders, Part 1

“It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.” Ralph Waldo Emerson This post is dedicated to the committed stakeholders I’ve worked with over the past year, who continue to inspire me to follow their example of helping others. The season …

Unleashing the Power of your Story Leadership for Our Era

This post is the second one from Unleashing the Power of your Story, an upcoming E-Book by Steven Ober. The world and our species are in states of deep transition. Many describe our present situation as a planet and a people as one of great turmoil. We experience constant “wars and rumors of wars;” we …