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Dell’s Self-Inflicted Reputation Crisis

Has the onetime industry leader completely stopped caring? Black Friday presents a great opportunity to grab new customers or bring old ones back with exciting deals. As with many opportunities, this one can also be a double-edged sword, as failure to meet expectations can lead to serious crisis management concerns. For example, Dell Computers, whose …

Testing On Mobile Devices

Part of a Technical Writers job is to create test plans and to communicate it to the Quality Assurance Team. The Technical Writer will be responsible for the standard test plan (see previous posts) for user acceptance testing to be performed, maintenance of an organized list of open issues, verification of resolved issues, and continuous …

Believe and be a bit more regal

So many messages this holiday season are around the importance of believing. I’m reminded of the classic movie The Polar Express in which one of the little boy’s messages to learn and embrace is to believe. Just this past evening I watched a Hallmark movie called The Wishing Well. It had a similar theme for …

Your CFC Application & Tax Reporting (990) – Size Matters

As the year-end approaches, and since most non-profits use the calendar year for their tax returns, I wanted to highlight a few important aspects of a charity’s CFC application, and its financial management practices. First, in terms of applying to the CFC, there are three size categories with different levels of financial reporting required. These …

Crisis Management Preserves Paper’s Reputation

Potential disaster headed off by strong crisis communication Ethical reporting has been a hot topic recently, and this quote, from a PRDaily article by Gil Rudawsky, describes a perfect case study for media organizations to preserve a paper’s reputation and come to the unfortunate realization that one of their writers or reporters has been less …

Fund Raising Philosophy For Start-Ups

There is a philosophy, widely subscribed to in the n-p sector, that views nonprofit start-ups as having a responsibility to the sector and to society to prove themselves viable before looking to raise funds from (too far) outside of the founding group. Just because they may have a valid purpose, and may come to serve …

Are You Ready to Apply for a Federal Grant? – A Checklist

Once you have decided to apply for a federal grant, you must focus your nonprofit organization’s people and resources on the application process, which is likely to take at least a month. However, first you should determine whether you have all the requirements in place to apply. This financial checklist will define (suggest) the steps …

Servant Leadership in Spiritual Communities – Part 1

Crystal Davis read my blog posts last year and emailed me inquiring about other resources related to Spirituality at work. She’s doing her dissertation on Servant Leadership. I’ve enjoyed exchanging ideas with her over the past year. I invited Crystal to share some of her dissertation topic for our blog posts this month. Here is …

Communicating Policies and Procedures

Definition – Policies and Procedures involve ensuring control over processes, giving directions, setting standards and following them. In other words, maintaining compliance or preserving requirements. The Policies are a set of rules or guidelines that are decided upon by higher-ups. The Procedures are the steps or processes involved in completing a task. Policies and Procedures: …