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Reasons NOT to Combine Fundraising and Marketing Committees

It’s common, especially for new or small nonprofits, to combine the responsibilities for fundraising and marketing into the same Board committee — after all, both functions include “getting the word out.” That’s what they have in common. But they have much more that is not in common. Part of a Fundraising Committee’s job is to …

Career Advice For Young Professionals and Leaders

How many of you in college or graduate school had a course, or even a workshop, on managing your career? I bet not many because too many young professionals and emerging leaders come to me for coaching with all kinds of career and leadership concerns. Career Intelligence #1 gave 20 real world practical ideas about …

My Holiday Wishes for You

In this season of peace, love, family, and a little madness, I have a list of holiday wishes for you.

May all your projects close on time and on budget.

PRojects IN Controlled Environments (a.k.a. PRINCE2®)

If you’re an American reader of this blog and you’re involved in, or interested in, project management, then you’re probably familiar, or at least heard of A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide). In this article I want to introduce you to a complimentary approach to project management which was developed …

Proposal Development: How to Structure Your Grant Proposal (Part 1)

In my June 6, 2011 post, I introduced “A Four-Step Process for Effective Grantsmanship,” including: (1) prospecting for foundation funding, (2) cultivation, (3) grant proposal development, and (4) grant management and stewardship. So far, I’ve provided a lot of introductory information on foundation and corporate grants, organizational readiness, grant management, and information on the first …

Big Ideas Aren’t for Commoners…

Big Ideas aren’t for commoners, right? Facebook. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Pennies for Peace. Apple. All Big Ideas. So, big, in fact, that they seem like the kinds of things other people do, not the things us common-folk do. Hmmmm… you know I’m not going to buy that one, right? I proudly own …

How Do We Handle Negative Results From an Employee Survey?

We recently did a survey and were surprised that our employees had negative feelings about their work. They felt frustrated and unappreciated. What should we do? Congratulations first on taking the time to survey and listen to your employees; second on paying attention to the results, even if they were not what you expected. Without …

The Secret to Preparing for Virtual Meetings

In today ’s business world many meetings take place virtually using a variety of media, including the Internet, videoconferencing, the telephone, and other technology vehicles that allow participants to be in different geographical areas. Although these virtual media can reduce the cost of meetings, they can also present significant challenges to the facilitator. For despite …

Do You Know WHY You Need To Fund-Raise?

To be a successful fundraiser, you must know not only how your organization raises money, but also how it is spent. You must know and understand your organization’s budget so that you can explain to others the costs of operation and how the money to cover those costs is to be generated. Nearly all non-profits …