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HR – A Key Crisis Management Component

Don’t ignore this valuable “human resource” We frequently speak about the importance of your crisis management team working in close connection with other departments for a reason – it works. While crisis management covers a broad spectrum of responsibilities and is often managed by outside contractors, those in specific departments have not only focused their …

Crisis Management for Negative Online Reviews

How do you manage this increasingly common problem? Despite what quite a few shady companies purport to be able to do, there is no way to magically erase negative online reviews. The reality is that if people are saying bad things about you online, the best thing you can do is change their minds If …

What Are Your Career Goals For 2013?

This is the time for New Year’s resolutions – to set goals and to make changes in our personal or professional lives. Let’s focus your attention on your career for 2013. Whether you want to find a more satisfying job, make more money, get that promotions make a job change, push for that promotion or …

Don’t know where to start?

If you don’t know where to begin in a meeting, let this secret be your starting point – Secret #8: The Secret of Standard Agendas. After all, it is the New Year and all about beginnings. Agenda setting will not only steer the course of your meeting – it will provide your beginning.

X is for neXt steps toward eXcellence

How far have you come on this journey? Are you “there” yet? Sometimes it is hard to see our progress, especially when we are making small changes, changing habits and fine-tuning our existing skills. Maybe it would be helpful for you to go back and see where you were when you started. Were you really …

2012 BIMBOs of the Year

Foot-in-mouth disease continues to affect organizations and individuals worldwide Each year around this time Merrie Spaeth, former Director of Media Relations for President Reagan and current president of Spaeth Communications, announces her BIMBO of the Year awards. The BIMBO awards are meant to demonstrate the dangers of associating oneself with the very negative terms you …