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Foundations of Consulting — Part 2: How Do Consultants Work?

Part 1 of this series is What Do Consultants Do?, which defines a consultant (as Peter Block puts it) as someone who is trying to change another person, process or organization, but who has no direct control over what they are trying to change. That post also listed numerous roles that a consultant might play …

Employee Motivation: Do You Take the Wind Out of Their Sails?

Ever notice how a new employee’s enthusiasm eventually wears off? In 85% of companies, employees’ morale significantly drops off after their first six months on the job, according to a survey from Harvard Management Update. For the most part, employee engagement is determined by work environment, and it can be fostered or hindered by you—the …

Watch Out For These Bad Habits: They Can Stop Your Career

Are you your worst enemy? Are you holding yourself from moving up? A Business Week article listed 20 of the most common behaviors or bad habits – complied by executive coach Marshall Goldsmith, that can hinder an aspiring manager or professional from moving up. Whether you’re a leader today or want to be one tomorrow, …

Not All of a Development Officer’s Knowledge is Portable

The following is an excerpt from a listserve discussion regarding the ethics of donor confidentiality: I can’t imagine someone saying, while they’re being interviewed for a development position, “Well, I know Mr./Ms. Gotbucks, but I can’t make the initial contact with him/her if you hire me because I met him … a few years ago …

All Business (Plans) Are Social

With the emergence of so many “social businesses,” there’s been a widening distinction made with what many people are now calling non-social businesses. The distinction is that social businesses are built around a heroic mission to make the world a better place, while their non-social cousins exist for a crass purpose — solely to make …

Five Ways to Build Better Visuals

I know, I know, everyone else in your organization creates bullet pointed slides, complete with facts and numbers, or long lists of actions, reasons or steps. So why shouldn’t you? Well, one reason is that most of us will end up reading each bullet. Good, bad or indifferent, if it is on the slide we …

Are You Ready for the Talent Management Storm?

he 2013 talent management predictions indicate that we have a storm ahead. Finding and keeping the right talent is going to continue to prove a challenge for organizations. It is further predicted that the old antiquated systems of talent management do not work.

If you are working in an organization with talent in almost in any role, you are mostly like already aware that these systems do not work. And with the increase in talent management software solutions flooding the market, it is also likely that you have lived through a revision in your talent management practices in recent years.

Crisis Management Lessons from Oreo’s Super Bowl Ad

Preparedness lands cookie company in the perfect position to make a move Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ve probably heard about Oreo’s spur of the moment ad, crafted literally DURING the Super Bowl blackout, that has the social media world abuzz. For those who missed it, this is the ad Oreo tweeted during …

To Evaluate, let’s Facilitate: Building a stronger evaluation life-cycle, by boosting facilitation skills.

I remember, as a child, dutifully memorizing the life-cycles of frogs and butterflies. Now as an evaluator, I find myself participating in a work-related life-cycle of sorts too, though no need of painstaking memorization here: Evaluation Planning –>Negotiating the plan –> Conducting the evaluation (negotiating this) –>Reporting –>Planning of future evaluations…–>(and the cycle continues) While …

Proposal Development: How to Structure Your Grant Proposal (Part 2)

In my last post (on Dec. 6) I outlined the first four sections to be included in a grant proposal to a private or corporate foundation: the Cover Letter, Executive Summary, Contact Information, and General Organization Overview. This month’s post will continue with the three additional sections to include in these grant proposals: Program Description …