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Change Management: Getting Everyone On Board the Change Train

As a coach to ambitious, pro-active leaders, I often find they quickly embrace change themselves but don’t know how to bring along their colleagues or staff. So how do you get everyone on board the change train that is gaining speed and heading out of the station? In Seven Truths about Change to Lead and …

And Now, the Hangover Begins

Editor’s note: This guest post from Jeff Chatterton, a crisis management expert we’re proud to have as a Bernstein Crisis Management contractor, examines what the next steps should be for organizations of all types following the events of last week. I think everyone breathed a sigh of relief when police officers converged on a bloody, …

2013 Nonprofit Finance Fund Survey Highlights

The Nonprofit Finance Fund has released their 2013 State of the Nonprofit Sector report. This is the fifth year for this large and comprehensive study. Almost 6000 organizations responded to the survey. The report includes an online analyzer which enables you to analyze data by state, sector, size, and low income communities. Be sure to check out this aspect of the report.

You’ve got Mail – top tips for Better Voice Mail

A few weeks ago I received a voice message from a client, asking to talk to me right away. I dropped what I was doing and as I returned the call I prepared myself for the worst. Was she cancelling a session? All our scheduled sessions? But then I thought, maybe she is adding new …

Video Business Plans

Most business plans appear on paper or on a pdf, but a growing number are on video, or include a video component. Often that’s done in the form of a YouTube video, which you can use to promote your new business in ways that are not possible via paper or email. And even if your …

Creative Donor Recognition

This posting by: Hank Lewis I Recently saw the heading on a listserve posting relating to naming an annual award after a donor. It started me thinking about the ways that a donor could be recognized for their support. (BTW, I didn’t read that posting, just to be sure that whatever I wrote wouldn’t be …

Useful Quotes for Training and Education, Part II

As promised, here is Part II of Useful Quotes for Training and Education. I have decided, on a whim really, that I will sit down with my new speech students and let them discuss the meaning of the following quotes, and how they might use them in a speech. Of course, there are useful quotes …

Boston Aftermath – Staying Grounded in Shifting Sand

Are you a Rhino or an Eagle? Last week’s bombing in Boston sent shock waves across the land. As we sat watching and waiting for the events to unfold, many felt scared and helpless. Others stepped up to the plate offering support, food, shelter, and comfort. Such an event can easily lead a country or …

Warning: Crisis Management Required

When signs of impending crisis appear, it’s no time for patchwork fixes Often, long before a major crisis strikes, there is some sort of indication that trouble’s brewing. In the case of the Texas fertilizer facility that exploded this week, a report from USAToday’s Chuck Raasch and Sharon Jayson indicates that the company may have …

How to Prevent Terrorist Attacks

Editor’s note: We don’t usually cross-post between our two blogs, but given recent events we feel it’s important for the following to reach as many eyes as possible. I know something about terrorists. From 1972-74 I was part of a US Army counterintelligence operation that successfully infiltrated a front group for what became known as …