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Prepare for a Great Presentation Part 1: Gathering Data

A client told me recently how he begins preparing for a future presentation. “When I know I am going to give a presentation in the future,” he says, “I place a yellow pad on my desk, right where I see it every day. Whenever I have an idea, or come across a piece of information …

Getting That Derailed Fund-Raising Campaign Back On Track

You can’t fix a problem in a campaign unless you know there is a problem !! We track progress in a fund-raising campaign to be able to identify problems in time to take corrective action. If at any point in the campaign it begins to look as if the ability to achieve the goal is …

Trainers Who Talk, Talk, Talk with Nothing to Say…

Trainers who have nothing to say aren’t really trainers. They may be entrepreneurs really. Quite frankly some have just learned how to make a buck with social media in particular and are good at jingoism. Or, to give them more respect, they could be speakers and even trainers who have sold good training tools, depending …

Self Coaching: ‘3 Minute Action Learning Time Out’

Many of my executive coaching clients operate in an environment that is fast paced with multiple priorities. The work is demanding and performance expectations are high. This “3 Minute Action Learning Time Out” helps them take a few moments to slow down and focus on what they learned from a situation. As a result, they …

Bloomberg Privacy Breach – Crisis Management Required!

Revelation of decades-long data access for reporters creates reputation crisis While Bloomberg‘s data terminals, which serve up volumes of intricately detailed financial information to Wall Street pros on a daily basis, have enjoyed a reputation as must-have tools, a privacy breach scandal has landed the company in a threatening crisis. Last week, it was revealed …