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Five Ways to Balance Warmth and Power When you Speak

As speakers we always want to come across as confident, knowledgeable, and well…powerful. But as we all know, too much of a good thing can be a problem. I think absolute power in speaking can be very intimidating. If we intimidate, we don’t influence people to do anything except fear us. On the other hand, …

Making Your Case For A Fundraising Program/Campaign

There is an enormous amount of easily accessible information on constructing a nonprofit fundraising Case-For-Support … from the library, bookstores and the Internet. Countless volumes and articles have been written on the subject, and there are always workshops and seminars dealing with this critically important topic. Keeping that in mind, I’ll try to give you …

Many Faces of Action Learning: A Key to Learning from Experience

Need for Flexible Approaches to Action Learning My hope is that Action Learning practitioners throughout the world will fully embrace the passion for discovery and active experimentation—the pillars on which our practice is built. Both are essential factors in adapting Action Learning to the evolving needs of our clients. My purpose as an Action Learning …

Founders of Nonprofit Organizations

A Guest Post by Tony Poderis The best, and the most needed non-profit organizations begin with a founder’s vision to do something good for society — often to serve a need no one else is serving, and unfortunately, sometimes addressing needs some others would rather not even know exist. So, as such a founder, good …

Hey Delta, Are You Smarter Than a 4th Grader?

Belatedly thwarting a grade schooler’s scheme is nothing to gloat about Most American airlines have been struggling to maintain any type of positive reputation for years now. With many of the most rage-inducing issues, like long security lines, beyond their control, you would think they’d be taking pains to ensure their own processes are working …

Using Differentiated and Self-Paced Learning

Montessori and other private schools have used these learning techniques for years, but it is beginning to sound like public schools may be getting the same treatment if higher education has its way. However, it is a big change for the public schools. Probably even bigger than the change to using technology, i.e., where all …

More Promotion Channels: Bequests VI

Last month I focused on IRA gifts, now I’m back to bequests, picking up from August with strategies other than direct mail to promote bequest giving. (See Tony’s previous posts on Planned Giving.) If you haven’t got the budget for direct mail, these are for you! If you’re using direct mail, augment it with these …

Crises Cost $56 Billion in First Half of 2013

Still don’t think crisis management should be a priority? We all know that crises can create financial damage, but do you really understand how much damage? The stats below, quoted from a BusinessInsurance.com article, may surprise you: Natural catastrophes and man-made disasters caused insured losses of $20 billion in the first half of 2013, with …

What Do You Want Us To Write About ??

For over three-and-one-half years, we’ve been writing/posting about Fundraising/Development — The Basics and the more Advanced. We’ve written on (in alphabetical order) Board & Staff Relations, Capital Campaigns, Certification, Corporate Fundraising, Development Staff, Donor Categories, Donor Recognition, Donor Relations, Effective Grantsmanship – Foundation and Government, Fundraising Accounting Practices, Fundraising Constituencies, Fundraising Consultants, Fundraising Ethics, Fundraising …

Conflict: Does It Divide or Bring Together

In a recent program on conflict resolution for the marketing department of a health care company, I asked the following. Can you describe the conflicts that occur most often? What could be possible reasons for these disagreements? How these conflicts are usually resolved? Or they keep coming back? As you would expect, this generated a …