Super Bowl Ads 2014
Here’s a quick video preview of this coming Sunday’s 2014 Super Bowl ads. Companies are furiously supporting their brand, at about $4 million a pop.
Here’s a quick video preview of this coming Sunday’s 2014 Super Bowl ads. Companies are furiously supporting their brand, at about $4 million a pop.
Bad behavior followed by a total lack of crisis management does not bode well for the latest politician to be caught behaving badly New York Congressman Michael Grimm (R-Staten Island) is the latest politico to lose it on camera, and it’s not pretty. In an interview for New York’s NY1 News just after the recent …
The Ethics of Percentage-Based Compensation for Grant Writers – Part I
by Lynn deLearie.
Not too long ago, I met with a prospective client to discuss helping them start a grant program for their organization. As we were concluding the meeting, the question of compensation came up, and I was asked if I would accept a percentage of grant income that I raised.
Tracking The Progress Of A Fundraising Program – Part I
by Tony Poderis
I thought that I had heard all there was ever to hear from beleaguered development professionals whose bosses are constantly on them for “not bringing in enough money.”
Never rely on your first option working out perfectly So, you’ve put together a killer crisis management plan, heck you’ve even actually practiced it! Good to go, right? Not so fast. As a wise man once said, sh*t happens, and you’d better believe it can, and will, happen when you’re already fighting to keep your …
Whether you are presenting or training, long lectures can be a drag. To engage your audience, to add life to your presentations, and to increase recall, consider these ways to get information across without lecturing. Demonstration. Show, don’t tell, or show and tell. Bring in the item you are discussing and pass it around. Have …
Will the uproar from NASA and the family of astronauts on the mission force the singer to change her song? We all know pop stars like to use shock value to pump up the sales, but a song from Beyonce’s latest album has crossed the line, and ticked a lot of people off in the …
Technical Writers wear many hats (traits Interviewer, Researcher, Analyst, Editor, Tester, etc.) and possess many interpersonal qualities. Usually, technical writers have some familiarity with their industry terminology because they either have been educated in the industry, or they have had prior experience in the field. For recent graduates and those in transition, how do you …
Sometimes Even The Best Special Events Caterer Screws Up
by Natalie Lewis
We had an elegant reception event in a beautiful facility … with a glass wall facing the river; with up-lights illuminating and framing that scene, and we used a lot of interior blue lighting to warm up the room.
Are You Thinking About Enrolling in the CFC for the 2014 Campaign?
by Bill Huddleston
Before enrolling, you should consider why workplace giving really works. That question, or some variation of it is one that I am often asked, and I always give two answers:
Teams, teams, teams. Whether you love-em or loathe-em, you’ll have to learn to live, not only with them, but within them. Your success as a leader will depend on it. So What’s Teamwork All About? Here are five strategies for building and nurturing a winning team on the football field and in the workplace. 1. …
Competent, confident, and compassionate – the Three C’s of Crisis Communications Renown Regional Medical Center was the scene of a tragic shooting incident last month when a man calmly walked into a doctor’s office and fired, killing two and wounding two more. As the scene of the crime, and a large area service provider, Renown …