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How to get more clicks from Google SERPs

Great SEO (Search Engine Optimization) work can get your site ranked on the first page of Google’s SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). But the next step is critical to getting more visitors to click through to your site.

Tips For Organizing Priorities

We have mentioned previously how to communicate priorities, but how do Technical Writers organize their own priorities? Prioritizing, listing items from the most important to the least important, can be a daunting task. Sometimes you can recognize and know right away what the priority is and sometimes not. When it comes to work priorities, how …

Home Depot Latest Data Breach Victim?

Strong statement to kick things off, but it was missing something Home Depot may be joining the ranks of Target, P.F. Changs, and many others after announcing that it is looking into “unusual activity” involves the security of its data. While we give them due credit for not sitting mum on the topic, and coming …

Checklists – A Valuable Tool for the Nonprofit – Part II

In January 2009, a US Airways jet taking off from LaGuardia airport jet hit a flock of geese 3 minutes after takeoff and immediately lost power in all engines. With two minutes of altitude left, Captain Sully and his crew reached for their checklists dealing with loss of engine power and emergency landings; and, in …