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How to Make Smart Choices When Yelp Turns Sour

Helpful advice for coping with negative reviews on the popular network Yelp is the very definition of a double-edged sword. Good reviews can bring in more business and allow you to charge more for the same services, while bad reviews can sink your operation. It’s perfectly natural to be upset and even a bit angry …

Six Goals For A Direct Mail Letter

Here six key objectives I set for every fundraising letter I write. I use these as standards to review and rewrite a draft appeal until I can’t improve it further. 1. Create a personal connection. Always use the first person singular (“I,” “me,” “my”), never the snooty-sounding, disembodied “we.” Talk to me as if we …

Training Day – Professional Development

What is Professional Development? I began this article by looking again at the differences between training and education, or trainers and teachers. In A Look at the Education vs Experience Debate and in an earlier post, What’s the Difference Between Training and Teaching, I made a few comparisons. This time, I thought it might be …

PGA Prez Gets the Boot After Immature Facebook Post

There’s no escaping this social media sand trap Professional Golf Association president Ted Bishop is the latest high-profile figure to lose their job as a result of a social media post. Bishop was angry with tour member Ian Poulter for his criticism of Ryder Cup captains Nick Faldo and Tom Watson, and let everyone know …

Technical Writing Communication Etiquette – (Part 2)

How to communicate to others. The previous content presented ‘How not to communicate as a Technical Writer’. This segment involves a list of ‘How to communicate as a Technical Writer’. Technical Writers do not have an easy job. They translate and communicate relevant information into easy to understand information to their audience. To communicate well …

To RAID or not to RAID

A few weeks ago I was assisting a project manager with a troubled project. We reviewed the documentation from the beginning, starting with the usual suspects: project charter, WBS, schedule. They all seemed fairly straightforward and understandable. Once we got to his status reporting though, confusion started. This project’s status reports were spreadsheets about 10 …

Social Media Compliance and Crisis Management

Are you following the rules? Organizations of all kinds are eager to share on social media, but overlooking the need to comply with federal and industry regulations can quickly land you in trouble. Figuring out what rules apply to you, and how to steer clear of trouble, can be tricky, which makes the below infographic, …

Red Light for Edmunds Ad After Dealer Outcry

Playing to one stakeholder group at the expense of another is risky business This weeks dustup over new YouTube ads from car shopping site Edmunds.com, is a great example of the dangers of focusing too much on one audience while neglecting to consider another. Edmunds has been pushing the idea of no-haggle car sales for …

What’s Coming – The Next Nine Weeks of the Fundraising Blog

October 29: Six Goals For A Direct Mail Letter by Jonathan Howard …six key elements for every fundraising letter – standards to use to review and rewrite a draft appeal until it can’t be improved further. November 5: Remind Your Donors to Give Stocks and Mutual Funds by John Elbare Stocks and mutual funds make …