Dating App Vulnerabilities Pose a Crisis Management Risk


Popular phone apps make an ideal target for data-hungry hackers

Apps of all kinds fill just about every smartphone these days, making the most popular ones ideal targets for hackers. Dating apps may be among the most widely used, making them a perfect target as a recent IBM study discovered.

Reuters reports:

The millions of people using dating apps on company smartphones could be exposing themselves and their employers to hacking, spying and theft, according to a study by International Business Machines Corp.

IBM security researchers said 26 of 41 dating apps they analyzed on Google Inc’s Android mobile platform had medium or high severity vulnerabilities, in a report published on Wednesday.

IBM did not name the vulnerable apps but said it had alerted the app publishers to problems.

Any application you put on your phone, and any program you put on your computer, holds the possibility to grant attackers access to your device, and thus everything you connect to through it. The best crisis management measure to prevent issues stemming from attacks like these is good old education. Teach people how to be safe about what they download, and how to recognize when their devices may have been compromised, and you’ll remove a large portion of potential problems.

For more resources, see the Free Management Library topic: Crisis Management

[Jonathan Bernstein is president of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc., an international crisis management consultancy, author of Manager’s Guide to Crisis Management and Keeping the Wolves at Bay – Media Training. Erik Bernstein is Social Media Manager for the firm, and also editor of its newsletter, Crisis Manager]

– See more at:

Development As A Profession vs. Development As An Activity

A serious professional in his office

A couple of weeks back (on January 28th) Tony Poderis addressed his concerns about the evolution (or devolution) of the fundraising field. Where I agree with Tony, wholeheartedly, I want to address the distinction between the two concepts … as in the title of this piece.

All professions, by definition, involve some level of special training/education and, often, a period of “internship” (however that’s defined). No one can decide to be a professional in any field, without learning the rules/practices of that field. No one can be a development professional their first day in legitimate fundraising.

Until about forty years ago, a person became a development professional by working for one of the old hands … being taught about the meaning of “development” and its rules, and being mentored for a period of years. Then, in the early 70s, a number of universities, in collaboration with many of those “old hands,” began offering intensive training programs for future development professionals.

The basic rule of the “profession” was an ethical balance of the needs of the nonprofit organization and those that it served, and the needs of (potential) donors.

Sometime in the 1980s, if I recall correctly, the “ethics of the profession” were formally codified. And, as I also recollect, codes of ethics seem to be part of what it means to be a professional.

So, again, by definition, a Fundraising/Development Professional is someone who has been educated, has trained for the role, has demonstrated an understanding of the principles of development and an ability to apply them, and abides by a code of ethics.

Just because someone has been hired by a nonprofit organization to be their director of development, or their grants writer or special events coordinator, doesn’t make them a Development Professional.

Development as an activity is defined as the process of establishing relationships with potential donors (individuals, foundations, corporations) with the purpose of learning their needs and how the satisfaction of those needs can/will correspond with the satisfaction of the needs of the nonprofit organization.

The Development process involves the education of the prospective donors as to the mission, programs, successes and needs of the nonprofit organization and the people it serves. The term “donor cultivation” refers to the “getting to know you” process – the donor getting to know the NPO and the appropriate people at the NPO getting to know the (prospective) donor.

It is only after the relationship has been formed, the parties have gotten to know each other, and how the needs of both could be satisfied, that the “solicitation” of the donor can proceed. “Fundraising” is the next-to-the-last-step in the development process.

Next Week K. Michael Johnson assures Development Directors/Managers that Millennials may have worthwhile ideas to offer.

Have a comment or a question about starting, evaluating
or expanding your fundraising program?

Have you heard about
The Fundraising Series of ebooks?

They’re easy to read, to the point, and inexpensive ($1.99-$4.99)

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10 Tips for Speaking with Focus and Composure

a focus lady speaking and pointing to the screen

stressThese days we all seem to be engaged in multi-tasking, running from one meeting to another without a moment’s reflection in between. There is barely a moment to catch our breath, let alone time to mentally prepare for the next meeting. It’s stressful and exhausting, especially when you need to speak or present. It should come as no surprise that we don’t perform at our best when we begin in a distracted state like this.

Effective communication requires us to be in a calm, focused state of mind. Our lifestyles make this difficult, but smart leaders have figured out strategies and habits to help them focus and speak well under any circumstance. Consider which of these might help you:

  1. Schedule transition time between meetings, especially those in which you need to lead, speak or present. You might even schedule a short break in between critical meetings.
  2. Pay attention to transit time. Are you driving to a different building or walking to a different meeting room? Be realistic about the time it will take to get there and settle in.
  3. Plan ahead. The day before or the morning of your back to back meetings, get everything ready and in place. Folders? Files? Slides? Documents? Separate piles or desktop shortcuts for each meeting might be useful so you can see and grab what you need.
  4. Eat and hydrate appropriately. If your tummy is growling and your blood sugar has crashed, it is going to be difficult to concentrate. Use a power bar and a glass of water if you need to so that your body is fueled for action even if you don’t have time to have a proper meal.
  5. Prepare your body. Stand up and stretch. Take a little walk down the hall and back again. Roll your shoulders. Breathe deeply. Touch your toes or run up the stairs before getting back.
  6. Eliminate distractions. Before each meeting, close out email and other distractions, turn away from the computer screen (unless you are on a video call) and set aside the files or documents you aren’t using for this meeting.
  7. Breathe. Three nice deep breaths to remind your brain and body that something new is coming. Feel your body being present, your feet on the floor, your arms and shoulders relaxed.
  8. Pay attention to your internal dialog. Instead of feeling dread and anxiety, remember why this is important. Remind yourself to be present and in the moment. Be open to whatever happens.
  9. Think about your intentions. If you are speaking, take a moment to remember what you wanted to say. What is most important about this meeting or presentation? What do you want the listeners to remember about it?
  10. Smile. Greet the people who are there with you in person and virtually. Make the human connection that can be missing in all these back to back meetings.

Hope this is helpful as you prepare for your next meeting. Bottom line: instead of just going through the motions, you can be fully relaxed, alert and present.

SEO Package vs. Custom SEO

a laptop screen with SEO

seo checklist website

Can a Search Engine Optimization Package Deliver Results – Page One Google?

Did you know that 70% of your Target Audience uses online search to find your service or product, and 75% of them never click past the first page of results?

What is SEO?

According to Wikipedia, “Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s “natural” or un-paid (‘organic’) search results.

It’s not always about getting visitors to your site, but getting the right kind of visitors. That’s what MOZ proclaims at the beginning of their very useful “Beginners Guide to SEO” which has been downloaded over a million times. If you’re looking for a digestible resource for doing SEO yourself, I highly recommend this guide to jump start your SEO work.

Do SEO Packages Work?

As an Internet business consultant, I don’t believe that an SEO ‘package’ serves the unique needs of any business. SEO is just way more complex than that. However, that doesn’t mean it must be long, drawn out or out of reach for small business. Because I know how to assess a site, content and SEO, I can look very closely while considering the owner’s goals, to pinpoint what needs to be done to most cost-effectively get results.

SEO Client Example:

One of my clients, a Nasville Billiard Retailer, hadn’t been able to achieve page one Google for keywords related to ‘shuffleboard’. They were frustrated for years before they engaged me in August 2014 to 1.) optimize their site and 2.) advise them to take additional actions. We worked on all aspects of Onsite SEO as well as additional keyword optimized content. After 60 days, they:

  • Placed page one Google for not one, but two returns for ‘shuffleboard’ (and not just ‘Shuffleboard Nashville’, a much easier term).
  • Placed above their higher-ranking national shuffleboard supplier.

It is definitely possible to achieve specific results like this, but in my opinion, not with a package.

SEO Consulting

In the spirit of sharing with you how this works, I will describe my own SEO Consulting Services. My search engine optimization services can take you from start to finish. Or, you can do some of it yourself, coordinated with my services. I can do everything – the research, SEO strategy, SEO plan and execution. Or you can do as much as possible under my direction. It’s up to you and your available resources, both human and financial.

Either way, I’ll work with you to create a strategy that makes sense, help you understand where your competitors are, survey your link structure and show you which keywords are most important to target and achieve success.

Steps to Create a Strategic SEO Plan

  • Consultation – In the initial meeting we discuss your business, your products and services, competitors and your target market. After we agree on terms, I go back to my office and begin the SEO Analysis on your site – asking questions along the way to ensure that I’m on track and stay there.
  • Website Analysis – Evaluate your site structure, page meta-data, keyword density, linking specifics and other factors critical to SEO success.
  • Keyword Research – Assess the competitiveness of the keywords related to your business offerings and develop a cost-effective strategy to target search phrases that will bring business to your door.
  • Link Analysis – Links are still important, and Google will continue to place emphasis on links in its search algorithm. In this video, Google engineer Matt Cutts discusses the relative importance of a site’s ‘backlinks’.
  • Content Inventory – In addition to website Analysis, Keyword Research and Link Analysis, a detailed SEO Analysis also includes a thorough inventory of your available content, as well as a strategic review of competitors’ content. All with the goal of out-ranking and out-shining your competitors, using content as search candy.
  • Roadmap Creation – Create a detailed roadmap that outlines the activities to be completed over the coming months.
  • Execution – We complete the tasks in the roadmap, working with you to get necessary changes to your site implemented.

Do you want to be competitive? If you’re not using strategic SEO to get your website ranked, well, you’re already behind.

If you finished reading this post, others will too, so take 5 seconds (!) to share on Facebook, Twitter or your favorite social scoop. Thanks!

More Articles That May Interest You:

How to get more clicks from Google SERPs

Best Practices for Uber-SEO Marketing

For more resources, see the Free Management Library topic: Marketing and Social Media.

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ABOUT Lisa M. Chapman:

Lisa Chapman helps company leaders define, plan and achieve their goals – both online and offline. After 25+ years as an entrepreneur, she is now a business and marketing consultant, business planning consultant and social media consultant. Online, she works with clients to establish and enhance their brand, attract their Target Audience, engage them in meaningful social media conversations, and convert them into Buyers. You can reach her via email: Lisa (at) LisaChapman (dot) com. Her book, The WebPowered Entrepreneur – A Step-by-Step Guide is available at:

Crisis Stats You Should Remember


Facts to convince anyone dragging their toes on crisis planning

It can be tough to convince someone who hasn’t encountered a crisis themselves to spend on preparation. We’ve found sharing facts and figures is one of the best, and thought many of our readers might find the below infographic, from the ODM Group, a useful asset:

No crisis plan think again

For more resources, see the Free Management Library topic: Crisis Management

[Jonathan Bernstein is president of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc., an international crisis management consultancy, author of Manager’s Guide to Crisis Management and Keeping the Wolves at Bay – Media Training. Erik Bernstein is Social Media Manager for the firm, and also editor of its newsletter, Crisis Manager]

– See more at:

Ambiguous Communication

a lady having a conversation with a young man

As a Technical Writer, communication can be difficult if ambiguous responses are received. Such as is the case when trying to find out information. It can be difficult when someone has a new product, and cannot explain nor describe it. When encountering such a person, you will probably see that they are thinking of one thing, but their words do not describe the thought. They want to make a statement but the content is confusing or seems wrong.


Someone once told me to think of their product as a puzzle. I assumed then that the product was something like a puzzle. But in actuality (after quite a bit of questioning), they meant that they think of their product as a puzzle because they don’t quite know how to explain its functionality. After questioning and going through some examples, I came to understand what he meant to say. The product needed to be tested for validity while it is still in the building stage because it was not completely done. (Which now made sense in development terms– solve the puzzle – test it out and see if you can break it.) But without knowing the aim, the goal, nor the purpose, confusion resulted.


What I did to lessen the confusion was to request a demo and to ask questions.

Request a demo:

Ask to have the product shown to you. This way, the purpose and the objective of the product can be understood.

Ask questions:

Showing seems to be a lot easier than speaking at certain times. But you also need to ask some questions:

  • Ask Why they wanted to create this. Knowing why explains the reasoning behind the product. It could have been created out of necessity, or nothing like it exists, or it is a better rework of something that currently exists.
  • Ask How the product was made or what it entails to help you see and understand how it works; it’s functionality.
  • Ask ‘What if…’- Think of some scenario’s where this product would be used. This verifies that the product will function as it should without any problems.

Leave with more knowledge

To learn more in this meeting, make sure you:

  • Communicate as clearly as possible. Apply the ‘KISS’ principle – keep it short, simple.
  • Use short sentences when confirming what was mentioned to ensure understanding.
  • Ask easy (simple) to answer questions, i.e., yes/no questions to help in clarifying facts.
  • Use your imagination to think up of questions – ‘Why did you think of this?’ ‘What made you think of this’? ‘How did this come about?’ ‘Did someone request this or did you see a need for this?’ ‘How did you begin?’ ‘Who else helped?’ There are a gamut of questions to ask.
  • Take good notes.
  • Leave with a good understanding of the product.

Have you used other methods to get better explanations from other individuals who have a problem explaining what they want or mean? If so, please add to the discussion.

Get UnStuck and Get On with Your Life!


January is behind you and those New Year Resolutions may be a distant memory. You still want to lose weight, be more patient with your kids, change jobs, get more organized. Yet you just don’t seem to have the focus, energy, or motivation to make a change. You keep letting old habits go on auto-pilot.

It’s hard to break old patterns. You need to pay attention to shake routines. It takes determination and commitment to truly go after what you want.

Most people change behavior due to two factors- inspiration or desperation.


Don’t wait to get desperate to make a change. Get Unstuck and get on with your life! Click here for practical, effective tools to make the changes that matter to you: Get UnStuck Tool Kit

To help you with some more inspiration, I want to share this article from my colleague Jim Koehneke. Enjoy!

What to Do When You Feel Stuck

by Jim Koehneke

It happens. We get caught up in our lives, dealing with outer conditions that we don’t like and then try to change them. Only to find it’s impossible to make much headway. But, we think, “If only I try harder I can get things to change.” But that doesn’t work so well, frustration builds, and bingo: we feel stuck.

There is a way out of this mess, (one that I found myself in the other day), so I decided to share the process with you that worked for me. It is transformative.

To begin, you and I and your friends, (as well as your enemies), are all born from the same ‘fabric’, or more precisely, ‘energy’.

The Source of that energy continually flows in and through us as Goodness, Wisdom, and Peace. Only we typically forget to access it, or we block it out with lots of doing, struggling, and trying. And when we do, we get stuck in our confusion, and attempt to change outside conditions without first going back to our intuitive connection to Source for clarity, inspiration, and connection to our personal power.

Here’s a simple process that will help you make the transition back to being in alignment to Source Power. I call it “Pivoting Your Way Out of Stuck”.

Pause, or better yet, stop from what you are doing. Keeping on the same track when you are “all twisted up” will only make things stay the same, or maybe worse.

Interrupt the “stuckness” by taking a few deep breaths and some physical action to get out of your head. Like stand up, turn around; or just feel the physical sensations in your hands and feet. This will help you return to the present moment, rather than staying caught up focusing on trying to fix the past or taking the worry out of the future.

Value having your feeling, for it is a reminder that you are attracting negative energy. Give it recognition, name it, and watch it as is dissipates.

Orient yourself to the truth: you have authority over your thoughts! Take back your power (rather than keeping it on the outer circumstances), and say “I am in charge of what I choose to think!”

Thank Source (also called the Universe) for holding your power, truth, and goodness while you temporarily forgot how to manage your thoughts. (Gratitude is always a good way to help re-focus your energy anytime.)

Invoke your human “right” to seek assistance by asking for what you want. Sincerely make your request for help in whatever situation you find yourself. (When I am stuck I make my request to Source; when I am not stuck I ask for help from my friends or mentors.)

Next, give your attention back to feeling, not thinking. Focus on and feel renewed energy of goodness and harmony flowing through you. (If needed, imagine any pleasant experience to feel good.)

Gain the clarity that will enable you to go forward. For example, if it is a problem you are trying to solve, maybe first take a walk to clear your head. And when you feel better, take charge once again and start over — back in the driver’s seat!

I think it was Albert Einstein who once said “you can’t solve a problem at the level of the problem”. That’s why calling in the wisdom of Source is crucial to rise to a higher level! With Source as your Co-Creator, you have the power to change your circumstances — not by trying to change conditions, but through the power of your mind. Here’s a suggestion for helping to prevent getting stuck: remember to re-connect with Source energy throughout the day. A quick hello will suffice!

By PIVOTING your way to freedom, you will take back authority over your mind and rediscover the Power within you to create newness, joy, and possibility, anytime, anywhere. And by starting the process with only a few deep breaths, you can get back on track to creating your life the way you want it to go!

Be in Peace, knowing you have the Power to choose the way you want your life to show up!
Jim Koehneke is a transformational Business & Life Coach committed to assisting people discover their passion, overcome limiting beliefs, and be that person who lives from purpose, acts with power, and manifests their dreams. Jim has published two books, “Creating and Living Your Purpose” and “Take Charge of Your Life ─ Seven Steps for Reclaiming Your Personal Power“. To find out how you can manifest your dreams by taking charge of y​our life and overcome limiting beliefs please contact:, call 802-857-5641, or check out