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Bored Snapchats Cost RBS Chairman a Job

Even “private” and “temporary” messages can come back to haunt you Everyone knows Snapchat images are supposed to vanish after a set time period, but since the app’s release many have found out (through painful experience) that isn’t always the case. Well, you can add newly appointed Royal Bank of Scotland chairman Rory Cullinan to …

Communicating Across Ages

Communication can exist across all ages despite challenges. Communication can be made easier through collaboration. Communication and collaboration between older and younger (millennium) generations is needed from both parties for transferring knowledge. The millenniums have more technical knowledge and patience to teach the elderly. The elderly have more life experience in businesses and in years …

Trevor Noah’s Twitter Troubles

Crisis management lessons learned painfully by The Daily Show’s new host Comedian Trevor Noah has some massive shoes to fill as Jon Stewart’s replacement on The Daily Show. Noah was bound to face criticism purely because Stewart was so beloved, but thanks to the Internet and social media in particular he’s being taken to task …

Cornell Dean Welcomes Pro-ISIS Club

Behaving as if you could be caught on tape at any moment is just good crisis management You are ALWAYS on camera. Cornell University’s assistant dean for students found this out the hard way after becoming the latest figure to have shocking behavior exposed via YouTube. An undercover reporter for Project Veritas, which operates under …

Income From Events

A recent email asked: “What percentage of a non profit’s budget should come from fundraising events?” I have a problem with the word, “should.” That implies that all nonprofits should be raising money through events. That is so wrong!! That is a question that is (so) often posed by people new to the nonprofit world, …

What Nonprofits Should Know About Bequests

Unlike all of the other planned giving mechanisms, a bequest program doesn’t require major technical expertise and specific financial instruments. It’s easy, it’s fast, it can pay off substantially, and the dollars from bequests comprise close to 90% of all planned gifts. Many non-profit organizations refuse to get into planned giving because of the perception …

Honoring Balance with Self-Acceptance

I recently started reading, “The Pathwork of Self-Transformation” by Eva Pierrakos. From what I’ve gleaned so far, the Pathwork process is about finding the unresolved conflicts within you that create turmoil, problems, tensions in your life. It reminded me of the concept of Polarity Management, the ability to manage conflicting desires, needs, yearnings. The elusive …

De-cluttering Documents

To be a good communicator, a technical writer provides accurate, reliable, valuable information within documents. Once all information has been gathered, how do you begin to organize it all? You have been jotting down all your notes into a book or a document. How do you de-clutter and pick only the most relevant information that …

Edelman’s 2015 Trust Barometer and You

A reputation as trustworthy is a must for any organization Edelman’s Trust Barometer is an annual report that seeks to measure trust in business and government. It analyzes both hard data and sentiment in a number of categories, and the results help guide the decision-making and priorities of intelligent organizations the world over. This year’s …