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Practice What You Preach or Pay the Price

NBC chief medical correspondent learns a hard lesson Practicing what you preach is vital to crisis management. Now former NBC chief medical correspondent Dr. Nancy Snyderman learned that lesson the hard way after breaking a (semi) voluntary quarantine imposed as a result of a crew member falling ill with Ebola while filming in Liberia. Although the …

A For-Profit Corporation Hosts An Event to Benefit a Non-Profit

A recent communication asked: “I have a potential non-profit client that was approached by a for-profit corporation, with a similar mission, that wants to contribute to the non-profit all or some of the net proceeds from a Gala Anniversary Event organized by and for the for-profit entity. The structure is not yet in place so …

Need More High Page Rank Backlinks?

If your SEO Plan embraces a content marketing strategy, ’Citizen Journalism’ will give you a boost. Repurpose your press releases and gain valuable ‘link juice’ (SEO value) to increase traffic to your site. Find out how.

How to Choose the Right Words

Do you ever get tongue-tied when you speak? Have trouble thinking of the right words to make your point? It’s frustrating when you can’t automatically find the right words. Let’s think about why that happens, and how you can build more fluency in your speech. First, consider the redundancy in word choices. When you are …

Crisis Thinking

Training your brain to perform in crisis management mode There’s no denying that it takes a great deal of skill to successfully run an organization’s day-to-day operations. However, that mindset and ability doesn’t always translate over to crisis management. Even the most competent of managers can find themselves feeling lost when an ugly situation gets …

Data: SEs improve self-sufficiency, stability

When most people hear about social enterprises that provide training and employment to disadvantaged individuals, they think it’s a good idea. But when they ask what data we have on whether SE’s actually “work,” whether they improve the lives of the people they serve, over the long term, there’s been precious little of it. Fortunately, …

AT&T Shows Money Comes First with Pay for Privacy

Refusing to respect the wants of customers is a bad business plan Is anyone else disgusted that it’s no longer shocking to see a major telecomms provider standing staunchly against the wants of their customers? Online privacy is one of the fastest-rising influences of consumer decisions today, yet AT&T has gone full scumbag when it …

Who Should Raise The Money? – Part Two

(Continued from Last Week) Surely, anyone can see that there is a huge difference between selling a Ferrari, and “selling” a nonprofit institution. The automobile salesperson is responsible for selling cars. In “selling” a nonprofit institution to its (potential) donors, the development professional has the dual responsibility, along with volunteer leadership, for helping to keep …

Continuity In Communication

Technical communication must consist of continuity. Continuity is a link from one thing to another. Whether continuity is applied in writing or speaking, if it does not exist, then readers, listeners, viewers are at a loss. Continuity provides readers, listeners and viewers, with clear, consistent communication in learning, understanding, and observing functionality. Continuity in Writing …

Project or Operation?

A few weeks ago we held a course on Project Management Fundamentals. Every student introduced themselves; they were all seasoned professionals with 7 years of experience or more in their field. Justine worked for a manufacturing company. Kumar was a software developer. Ann deployed projects for a Cable TV provider. Carlos was a construction manager. …